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ZLAR2V(1) LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2) ZLAR2V(1)


ZLAR2V - applies a vector of complex plane rotations with real cosines from both sides to a sequence of 2-by-2 complex Hermitian matrices,


N, X, Y, Z, INCX, C, S, INCC )

INTEGER INCC, INCX, N DOUBLE PRECISION C( * ) COMPLEX*16 S( * ), X( * ), Y( * ), Z( * )


ZLAR2V applies a vector of complex plane rotations with real cosines from both sides to a sequence of 2-by-2 complex Hermitian matrices, defined by the elements of the vectors x, y and z. For i = 1,2,...,n
( x(i) z(i) ) :=
( conjg(z(i)) y(i) )
( c(i) conjg(s(i)) ) ( x(i) z(i) ) ( c(i) -conjg(s(i)) )
( -s(i) c(i) ) ( conjg(z(i)) y(i) ) ( s(i) c(i) )


The number of plane rotations to be applied.
The vector x; the elements of x are assumed to be real.
The vector y; the elements of y are assumed to be real.
The vector z.
The increment between elements of X, Y and Z. INCX > 0.
The cosines of the plane rotations.
The sines of the plane rotations.
The increment between elements of C and S. INCC > 0.
November 2008 LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2)