table of contents
dlm_controld - dlm cluster control daemon
dlm_controld [OPTIONS]
The kernel dlm requires a user daemon to manage lockspace membership. dlm_controld manages lockspace membership using corosync cpg groups, and translates membership changes into dlm kernel recovery events. dlm_controld also manages posix locks for cluster file systems using the dlm.
Command line options override a corresponding setting in
For default settings, see dlm_controld -h.
--daemon_debug | -D
enable debugging to stderr and don't fork
don't fork
--log_debug | -K
enable kernel dlm debugging messages
--protocol | -r str
dlm kernel lowcomms protocol: tcp, sctp, detect
--debug_logfile | -L
write debugging to log file
--enable_plock | -p 0|1
enable/disable posix lock support for cluster fs
--plock_debug | -P
enable plock debugging
--plock_rate_limit | -l int
limit rate of plock operations (0 for none)
--plock_ownership | -o 0|1
enable/disable plock ownership
--drop_resources_time | -t int
plock ownership drop resources time (milliseconds)
--drop_resources_count | -c int
plock ownership drop resources count
--drop_resources_age | -a int
plock ownership drop resources age (milliseconds)
--post_join_delay | -j int
seconds to delay fencing after cluster join
--enable_fencing | -f 0|1
enable/disable fencing
--enable_concurrent_fencing 0|1
enable/disable concurrent fencing
--enable_startup_fencing | -s 0|1
enable/disable startup fencing
--enable_quorum_fencing | -q 0|1
enable/disable quorum requirement for fencing
--enable_quorum_lockspace 0|1
enable/disable quorum requirement for lockspace operations
--repeat_failed_fencing 0|1
enable/disable retrying after fencing fails
--fence_all str
fence all nodes with this agent
enable unfencing self with fence_all agent
--help | -h
print this help, then exit
--version | -V
Print program version information, then exit
2012-04-05 | dlm |