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keycloak-httpd-client-install(1) | General Commands Manual | keycloak-httpd-client-install(1) |
keycloak-httpd-client-install - Tools to configure Apache HTTPD as Keycloak client
keycloak-httpd-client-install [-h] [--no-root-check] [-v] [-d] [--show-traceback] [--log-file LOG_FILE] --app-name APP_NAME [--force] [--permit-insecure-transport] [--tls-verify] [--template-dir TEMPLATE_DIR] [--httpd-dir HTTPD_DIR] -r KEYCLOAK_REALM -s KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL [-a root-admin|realm-admin|anonymous] [-u KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USERNAME] -P KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE -p KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD [--keycloak-admin-realm KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_REALM] [--initial-access-token INITIAL_ACCESS_TOKEN] [--client-originate-method descriptor|registration] [--mellon-key-file MELLON_KEY_FILE] [--mellon-cert-file MELLON_CERT_FILE] [--mellon-hostname MELLON_HOSTNAME] [--mellon-https-port MELLON_HTTPS_PORT] [--mellon-root MELLON_ROOT] [--mellon-endpoint MELLON_ENDPOINT] [--mellon-entity-id MELLON_ENTITY_ID] [--mellon-idp-attr-name MELLON_IDP_ATTR_NAME] [--mellon-organization-name MELLON_ORGANIZATION_NAME] [--mellon-organization-display-name MELLON_ORGANIZATION_DISPLAY_NAME] [--mellon-organization-url MELLON_ORGANIZATION_URL] [-l MELLON_PROTECTED_LOCATIONS]
Configure mod_auth_mellon as Keycloak client
- -h, --help
- show this help message and exit
- --no-root-check
- permit running by non-root (default: False)
- -v, --verbose
- be chatty (default: False)
- -d, --debug
- turn on debug info (default: False)
- --show-traceback
- exceptions print traceback in addition to error message (default: False)
- --log-file LOG_FILE
- log file pathname (default: /var/log/python-keycloak-httpd-client/keycloak-httpd-client-install.log)
- --app-name APP_NAME
- name of the web app being protected by mellon (default: None)
- --force
- forcefully override safety checks (default: False)
- --permit-insecure-transport
- Normally secure transport such as TLS is required, defeat this check (default: False)
- --tls-verify
- TLS certificate verification for requests to the server. May be one of case insenstive [true, yes, on] to enable, [false, no, off] to disable. Or the pathname to a OpenSSL CA bundle to use. (default: True)
Program Configuration:
- --template-dir TEMPLATE_DIR
- Template location (default: /usr/share/keycloak-httpd-client/templates)
- --httpd-dir HTTPD_DIR
- Template location (default: /etc/httpd)
Keycloak IdP:
- -r, --keycloak-realm KEYCLOAK_REALM
- realm name (default: None)
- -s, --keycloak-server-url KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL
- Keycloak server URL (default: None)
- -a, --keycloak-auth-role root-admin|realm-admin|anonymous
- authenticating as what type of user (default: root-admin)
- -u, --keycloak-admin-username KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USERNAME
- admin user name (default: admin)
- -P, --keycloak-admin-password-file KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE
- file containing the admin password (or use a hyphen "-" to indicate the password will be read from stdin) (default: None)
- -p, --keycloak-admin-password KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD
- admin password (or use a hyphen "-" to to indicate the password will read from stdin) (default: None) Deprecated. It is insecure to pass a password on the command line. Use --keycloak-admin-password-file instead. It is no longer possible to use this argument to pass a password. During a transition period this argument will continue to accept a hyphen to indicate the password should be read from stdin in a manner identical to --keycloak-admin-password-file.
- --keycloak-admin-realm KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_REALM
- realm admin belongs to (default: master)
- --initial-access-token INITIAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
- realm initial access token for client registeration (default: None)
- --client-originate-method descriptor|registration
- select Keycloak method for creating SAML client (default: descriptor)
Mellon SP:
- --mellon-key-file MELLON_KEY_FILE
- certficate key file (default: None)
- --mellon-cert-file MELLON_CERT_FILE
- certficate file (default: None)
- --mellon-hostname MELLON_HOSTNAME
- Machine's fully qualified host name
- --mellon-https-port MELLON_HTTPS_PORT
- SSL/TLS port on mellon-hostname
- --mellon-root MELLON_ROOT
- Common root ancestor for all mellon endpoints
- --mellon-endpoint MELLON_ENDPOINT
- Used to form the MellonEndpointPath, e.g. {mellon_root}/{mellon_endpoint} (default: mellon)
- --mellon-entity-id MELLON_ENTITY_ID
- SP SAML Entity ID (default: {mellon_http_url}/{mellon_root}/{mellon_endpoint_path}/metadata)
- --mellon-idp-attr-name MELLON_IDP_ATTR_NAME
- Name of the attribute Mellon adds which will contain the IdP entity id (default: {mellon_http_url}/{mellon_root}/{mellon_endpoint_path}/metadata)
- --mellon-organization-name MELLON_ORGANIZATION_NAME
- Add SAML OrganizationName to SP metadata (default: None)
- --mellon-organization-display-name MELLON_ORGANIZATION_DISPLAY_NAME
- Add SAML OrganizationDisplayName to SP metadata (default: None)
- --mellon-organization-url MELLON_ORGANIZATION_URL
- Add SAML OrganizationURL to SP metadata (default: None)
- -l, --mellon-protected-locations MELLON_PROTECTED_LOCATIONS
- Web location to protect with Mellon. May be specified multiple times (default: [])
keycloak-httpd-client-install will configure a node running Apache with mod_auth_mellon as SAML Service Provider (SP) utilizing a Keycloak server as an Identity Provider(IdP).
How to pass the Keycloak admin password
The Keycloak admin password may be passed via one of the possible ways listed here in the order the tool looks for the password.
1. Try the --keycloak-admin-password-file argument. If it's a hyphen read the password from stdin, otherwise treat the argument as the name of a file, open the file and read the password from the file.
2. Test for the existence of the KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable. If the KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD is defined read the password from it.
3. Try the deprecated --keycloak-admin-password argument. If it's a hyphen read the password from stdin, otherwise return an error because passwords should never be passed on the command line.
4. Prompt for the password from the terminal.
Authentication Levels and Permissions
The tool is capable of range of configuration steps. But the extent of those operations may be circumscribed by the privilege level (authorization) the tool is run with. The privilege level is determined by the --keycloak-auth-role command line option which may be one of:
root-admin: The Keycloak installation has a super realm normally called master which is the container for all realms hosted by the Keycloak instance. A user with administration priviliges in the master realm can perform all operations on all realms hosted by the instance. Think of such a user as a root user or root admin.
realm-admin: Each subordinate realm in the Keycloak instance may have it's own administrator(s) whose privileges are restricted exclusively to that realm.
anonymous: The tool does not authenticate as a user and hence no priviliges are granted. Any privilege is granted by virtue of an initial access token passed in via the -initial-access-token command line option. Think of an initial access token as a one time password scoped to a specific realm. The initial access token must be generated by an administrator with sufficient priviliges on the realm and given to the user of the tool. The priviliges conferred by the initial access token are limited to registering the client in the realm utilizing the Keycloak client registration service.
Selecting which authencation role will be used is determined by a combination of the --keycloak-auth-role option and the --keycloak-admin-realm option. When the authentication role is one of root-admin or realm-admin the tool will authenticate as a user in a specific realm, the --keycloak-admin-realm option declares the realm the administrator will authenticate to. For the root-admin role this is typically the master realm. For the realm-admin role this would be realm the tool is registrating the client in.
Determining which authentication role to use
In general the principle of least privilige should apply. Grant to the tool the least privilige necessary to perform the required action. In oder of least privilige to greatest privilige the following operations are possible under the defined authentication roles:
* Can register the client using only the Keycloak client registration service. The tool cannot determine a prori if the client already exists in the realm nor can it adjust any configuration options on the client.
* The realm must pre-exist.
* Can enumerate the existing clients in the realm to determine if a conflict would occur.
* Can delete a pre-existing client and replace it with the new client definition if the --force option is supplied.
* Can modify the clients configuration.
* Can use either the client registration service or the REST API to create the client.
* The realm must pre-exist and contain the realm admin user.
* Includes all of the priviliged operation conferred by the realm-admin.
* Can enumerate existing realms on the Keycloak instance to verify the existence of the target realm the client is to be installed in.
* Can create the target realm if it does not exist.
Client creation methods
Keycloak offers two methods to add a client to a realm
* Utilizing the Keycloak REST API to create and configure the SAML SP client. The Keycloak REST API utilizes a 2-step process whereby the SP metadata is sent to the the Keycloak instance and it returns a client descriptor which is then used to create the client. Selected with --client-originate-method descriptor.
At the time of this writing the client registration service behaves differently than the REST API. Advice on which to use is likely to be dependent upone the Keycloak version. Note, if anonymous authentication is used in conjunction with a initial access token then the client registration service must be used.
The client registration service requies the use of an initial access token. For all authentiction roles an initial access token can be provided on the command line via the initial-access-token option. The initial access token will have to have been provided by a Keycloak administrator who pre-creates it. If the authencation role is either root-admin or realm-admin the tool has sufficient privilige to obtain an initial access token on it's behalf negating the need for a Keycloak admin to supply one externally.
The client registration service may be used by the following authentication roles:
* root-admin
* realm-admin
* anonymous (requires use of --initial-access-token)
The REST API may be used by the following authentication roles:
* root-admin
* realm-admin
keycloak-httpd-client-install performs the following operational steps:
* Connect to Keycloak Server.
A session is established with the Keycloak server. OAuth2 is used to log in as the admin user using the --keycloak-admin-username and --keycloak-admin-password-file options. The Keycloak server is identified by the -keycloak-server-url option. This step is performed first to assure the remaining steps can complete successfully. A session is maintained for efficiency reasons. You may also need to specify --keycloak-admin-role and --keycloak-admin-realm to indicate the privilege level you are authenticating with. An anonymous auth role connects to the Keycloak service without any authentication.
* Create directories.
Files written by keycloak-httpd-client-install need a destination directory (see FILES). If the necessary directories are not present they are created.
* Set up template environment
Many of the files written by keycloak-httpd-client-install are based on jinga2 templates. The default template file location can be overridden with the --template-dir option.
* Set up Service Provider X509 Certificiates.
A SAML SP must have a X509 certificate and key used to sign and optionally encrypt it's SAML messages sent to the SAML IdP. keycloak-httpd-client-install can generate a self-signed certificate for you or you may supply your own key and certificate via the --mellon-key-file and --mellon-cert-file options. The files must be in PEM format.
* Build Mellon httpd config file.
The Mellon HTTPD configuration file tells mod_auth_mellon where to find things such as certificates and metadata files as well as what web resources to protect. It is generated from the mellon_httpd.conf template file. (see FILES). There is one mellon httpd conf file per application.
* Build Mellon SP metadata file.
The Mellon SP needs to be registered with the Keycloak IdP. This forms a trust relationship and provides infomation to the IdP about the Mellon SP. Registering an SP with an IdP is done via a SP metadata file. The Mellon SP metadata also instructs mod_auth_mellon how to operate. The Mellon SP is generated from the sp_metadata.tpl template file.
* Query realms from Keycloak server, optionally create new realm.
Keycloak supports multi-tenancy, it may serve many IdP's each one specified by a Keycloak realm. The --keycloak-realm option identifies which Keycloak realm we will bind to. The Keycloak realm may already exist on the Keycloak server, if it does keycloak-httpd-client-install will use it. If the Keycloak realm does not exist yet it will be created for you.
Requires the root-admin auth role.
* Query realm clients from Keycloak server, optionally delete existing.
SAML SP's are one type of Keycloak client that can be serviced by the Keycloak realm IdP. The Mellon SP is a new Keycloak client which needs to be added to the Keycloak realm. However we must assure the new client does not conflict with an existing client on the Keycloak realm. If the Mellon SP is already registered on the Keycloak realm keycloak-httpd-client-install will stop processing and exit with an error unless the --force option is used. --force will cause the existing client on the Keycloak realm to be deleted first so that it can be replaced in the next step.
Requires either the root-admin or realm-admin auth role.
* Create new SP client in Keycloak realm.
The Mellon SP is registered with the Keycloak realm on the Keycloak server by sending the Keycloak server the Mellon SP metadata to the Keycloak server.
When the client-originate-method is descriptor either the root-admin or realm-admin auth role is required. When the client-originate-method is registration the initial access token is mandatory for the anonymous auth role and optional for the root-admin or realm-admin roles.
* Adjust client configuration
Override default Keycloak client values. This varies by Keycloak release.
Requires either the root-admin or realm-admin auth role.
* Add attributes to be returned in assertion
The client is configured to return necessary attributes. The added attributes are:
* Groups user is a member of.
Requires either the root-admin or realm-admin auth role.
* Retrieve IdP metadata from Keycloak server.
The Mellon SP needs SAML metadata that describes the Keycloak IdP. The metadata for the Keycloak IdP is fetched from the Keycloak server and stored in a location referenced in the Mellon SP httpd configuration file. (see FILES)
The overarching organization is the web application. An independent set of Mellon files are created per application and registered with the Keycloak server. This permits multiple indpendent SAML Service Providers and/or protected web resources to be handled by one Apache instance. When you run keycloak-httpd-client-install you must supply an application name via the --app-name option.
Within the web application you may protect via SAML multiple independent web resources specified via the --mellon-protected-locations /xxx option. This will cause a:
AuthType Mellon
MellonEnable auth
Require valid-user </Location>
directive to be added to the Mellon HTTPD configuration file. The Mellon SP parameters are located at the root of the web application root, each protected location inherits from that.
Files created by running keycloak-httpd-client-install:
- {httpd-dir}/conf.d/{app-name}_mellon_keycloak_{realm}.conf
- This is the primary Mellon configuration file for the application. It binds to the Keycloak realm IdP. It is generated from the mellon_httpd.conf template file.
- {httpd-dir}/saml2/{app-name}.cert
- The Mellon SP X509 certficate file in PEM format.
- {httpd-dir}/saml2/{app-name}.key
- The Mellon SP X509 key file in PEM format.
- {httpd-dir}/saml2/{app-name}_keycloak_{realm}_idp_metadata.xml
- The Keycloak SAML2 IdP metadata file. It is fetched from the Keycloak server.
- {httpd-dir}/saml2/{app-name}_sp_metadata.xml
- The Mellon SAML2 SP metadata file. It is generated from the sp_metadata.xml template file.
Files referenced by keycloak-httpd-client-install when it runs:
- /usr/share/python-keycloak-httpd-client/templates/*
- jinja2 templates
Log files:
- /var/log/python-keycloak-httpd-client/keycloak-httpd-client-install.log
- Installation log file
The --verbose and --debug options can be used to increase the level of detail emitted on the console. However, note the log file logs everything at the DEBUG level so it is usually easier to consult the log file when debugging (see LOGGING)
keycloak-httpd-client-install logs all it's operations to a rotated log file. The default log file can be overridden with the --log-file option. Each run of keycloak-httpd-client-install will create a new log file. Any previous log file will be rotated as a numbered verson keeping a maximum of 3 previous log files. Logging to the log file occurs at the DEBUG level that includes all HTTP requests and responses, this is useful for debugging.
Many of the files generated by keycloak-httpd-client-install are produced via jinja2 templates substituting values determined by keycloak-httpd-client-install when it runs. The default template file location can be overridden with the --template-dir option.
John Dennis <>