rhncfg-manager - a tool for managing Spacewalk central repository of configuration files and channels.
rhncfg-manager [ MODE ] [ --config config_file ] [ --server-name name ] [ --username user ] [ --password pass ] [ params ]
The Spacewalk Configuration Manager (rhncfg-manager) is used to manage Spacewalk configuration files and channels.
This tool offers a command line alternative to the configuration management features found within the Spacewalk web user interface or Hosted, as well as the ability to script some or all of the related maintenance.
This tool is intended for use by the Config Administrator and therefore requires an Spacewalk username and password that has the appropriate permission set. (The username and password may be specified in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/rhncfg-manager.conf or in the [rhncfg-manager] section of ~/.rhncfgrc or the config file specified by
Note that when run as root, rhncfg-manager attempts to pull in needed configuration values from the Red Hat Update Agent (up2date). When run as something other than root, configuration changes may be needed within the ~/.rhncfgrc file, or the config file specified by
- --config=config_file
- . The session file is cached in ~/.rhncfg-manager-session to prevent logging in for every command.
The ~/.rhncfgrc file overrides the values set in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/rhncfg-manager.conf which, by default, uses the values set in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date. The ~/.rhncfgrc file may itself be overridden by the command line option
- --config=config_file
- Please review rhncfg-manager.conf for further details.
The Spacewalk Configuration Manager offers these primary modes: add, create-channel, diff, diff-revisions, download-channel, get, list, list-channels, remove, remove-channel, revisions, update, upload-channel.
Context sensitive help is available for each "mode", e.g., rhncfg-manager diff-revisions --help
This tool utilizes a "cvs style" command syntax: command mode options
For example: rhncfg-manager diff-revisions --help
- add [ OPTIONS ] FILE [ FILE... ]
- Add a file to a config channel.
-cCHANNEL_LABEL, --channel=CHANNEL_LABEL -- upload file(s) in this config channel
-dDEST_FILE, --dest-file=DEST_FILE -- upload the file as this path
-tTOPDIR, --topdir=TOPDIR -- make all files relative to this string
--delim-start=DELIM_START -- start delimiter for variable interpolation
--delim-end=DELIM_END -- end delimiter for variable interpolation
--selinux-context=SELINUX_CONTEXT -- overwrite the SELinux context label to this string
- create-channel CHANNEL_LABEL [ CHANNEL_LABEL ... ]
- Create a config channel for your organization.
- diff [ OPTIONS ] FILE [ FILE... ]
- Differentiating between latest configuration files in a channel and whats
on disk.
-cCHANNEL_LABEL, --channel=CHANNEL_LABEL -- get file(s) from this config channel
-rREVISION, --revision=REVISION -- use this revision
-dDEST_FILE, --dest-file=DEST_FILE -- upload the file as this path
-tTOPDIR, --topdir=TOPDIR -- make all files relative to this string
- diff-revisions [ OPTIONS ] FILE
- Compare different versions of a file across channels and revisions. See
documentation for further details.
-cCHANNEL_LABEL, --channel=CHANNEL_LABEL -- use this config channel
-rREVISION, --revision=REVISION -- use this revision
- download-channel (-t|--topdir=)TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY [ OPTIONS ] CHANNEL_LABEL [ CHANNEL_LABEL... ]
- Download all the configuration files in a channel to disk.
-tTOPDIR, --topdir=TOPDIR -- directory all the file paths are relative to
- get [ OPTIONS ] FILE [ FILE... ]
- Get the contents of a particular configuration file. Outputs to stdout.
-cCHANNEL_LABEL, --channel=CHANNEL_LABEL -- get file(s) from this config channel
-tTOPDIR, --topdir=TOPDIR -- make all files relative to this string
-rREVISION, --revision=REVISION -- get this file revision
- List all configuration files in a channel.
- list-channels
- List all configuration channels.
- remove [ OPTIONS ] FILE [ FILE... ]
- Remove a configuration file from a channel. May be prompted for a username
and password.
-cCHANNEL_LABEL, --channel=CHANNEL_LABEL -- remove file(s) from this config channel
-tTOPDIR, --topdir=TOPDIR -- make all files relative to this string
- remove-channel CHANNEL_LABEL [ CHANNEL_LABEL... ]
- Remove a configuration channel. May be prompted for a username and password.
- revisions [ OPTIONS ] FILE [ FILE... ]
- Determine the number of configuration file revisions.
-cCHANNEL_LABEL, --channel=CHANNEL_LABEL -- use this config channel
- update [ OPTIONS ] FILE [ FILE... ]
- Create a new revision of a file in a channel (or add the first revisions
to that channel if none existed before for the given path).
-cCHANNEL_LABEL, --channel=CHANNEL_LABEL -- upload file(s) in this config channel
-dDEST_FILE, --dest-file=DEST_FILE -- upload the file as this path
-tTOPDIR, --topdir=TOPDIR -- make all files relative to this string
--delim-start=DELIM_START -- start delimiter for variable interpolation
--delim-end=DELIM_END -- end delimiter for variable interpolation
--selinux-context=SELINUX_CONTEXT -- overwrite the SELinux context label to this string
- upload-channel [ OPTIONS ] CHANNEL_LABEL [ CHANNEL_LABEL... ]
- Upload multiple configuration files (a tree) to a channel from disk.
-tTOPDIR, --topdir=TOPDIR -- directory all file paths are relative to
- --server-name
- Spacewalk server name.
- --username
- Spacewalk user name.
- --password
- Spacewalk password for the specified user.
- -h, --help
- Display the help screen with a list of options.
Use context sensitive help as well with the diffent "modes". E.g., rhncfg-manager upload-channel --help
rhncfg-client (8)
Mihai Ibanescu <misa@redhat.com>
Bret McMillan <bretm@redhat.com>
Todd Warner <taw@redhat.com> (man page only)
Laurence Rochfort <laurence.rochfort@oracle.com>
26 April 2021 | Version 4.0 |