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spacewalk-create-channel - A utility to create and manage channels at different update levels.


spacewalk-create-channel [ options ... ]

[ -l USER ] [ --username=USER ]

[ -p PASSWORD ] [ --password=PASSWORD ]

[ -s SERVER ] [ --server=SERVER ]

[ -v VERSION ] [ --version=VERSION ]

[ -r RELEASE ] [ --release=RELEASE ]

[ -u UPDATE_LEVEL ] [ --update=UPDATE_LEVEL ]

[ -a ARCH ] [ --arch=ARCH ]

[ -e EXTRA ] [ --extra=EXTRA ]

[ -d DEST_CHANNEL ] [ --destChannel=DEST_CHANNEL ]

[ -c SOURCE_CHANNEL ] [ --sourceChannel=SOURCE_CHANNEL ]


[ -K SKIPLIST ] [ --skiplist=SKIPLIST ]

[ -L ] [ --clone ]

[ -D DATAFILE ] [ --data=DATAFILE ]

[ -N DEST_NAME ] [ --name=DEST_NAME ]

[ --nossl ]

[ -h ] [ --help ]


spacewalk-create-channel is a command line utility for creating channels of different update levels on a Spacewalk or Satellite server. For example, the script can create a channel with the exact package set of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 release of all architectures for which it was released. It is written in python and utilizes the XML-RPC interface supplied by the Spacewalk or Satellite server.


Display the help screen with a list of options.
The username to connect to the server.
The hostname or IP address of the Satellite or Spacewalk server to connect to. Defaults to local hostname.
The version of the channel to create (e.g. 5, 4, 3, 2.1).
The release of the channel to create (e.g. AS, ES, WS, Server, Client, Desktop).
The update level of the channel to create (e.g. GOLD, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7, U8, U9), where GOLD stands for the initial release.
The arch of the channel to create (e.g. i386, ia64, ppc, s390, s390x, x86_64).
The child channel/repo to use, e.g. Extras, Supplementary (Optional)
The label of the destination channel. This will be created if not present.
If the destination channel is created use DEST_NAME for it's name. If not provided the label will be used. (Optional)
The channel to pull packages from. This is auto-detected if not provided. (Optional).
If destination channel does not exist, it will be created as a child of the specified parent.
If destination does not exist, clone it from the source channel, before adding packages.
Use the specified file of package names (one per line) to skip specified packages when copying from one channel to the destination. (Optional)
Path to a list of rpms to move to the destination channel, only used if version, release, update, and arch are not specified.(Optional)
Disable SSL when connecting to the server.
Show the help.


Creating a channel 'my-stable-channel' for RHEL 6 Server Gold x86_64:

spacewalk-create-channel --user=admin --version=6 --update=gold --release=Server --arch=x86_64 --destChannel=my-stable-channel

spacewalk-create-channel -l admin -s -D /usr/share/rhn/channel-data/6-gold-server-x86_64 -d my-stable-channel

Upgrade previously created channel 'my-stable-channel' to RHEL 6 Server u1 x86_64:

spacewalk-create-channel -l admin -s -v 6 -u u1 -r server -a x86_64 -d my-stable-channel

Add the Supplementary's channel as a child channel of 'my-stable-channel':

spacewalk-create-channel -l admin -s -v 6 -u u1 -r Server -a x86_64 -e Supplementary -P my-stable-channel -d my-stable-extras


Justin Sherrill <>

26 April 2021 Version 1.0.0