infotocap(1M) | infotocap(1M) |
infotocap - convert a terminfo description into a termcap description
infotocap [-vn width] [-V] [-1] [-w width] file . . .
infotocap looks in file for terminfo descriptions. For each one found, an equivalent termcap description is written to standard output. Terminfo use capabilities are translated directly to termcap tc capabilities.
- -v
- print out tracing information on standard error as the program runs.
- -V
- print out the version of the program in use on standard error and exit.
- -1
- cause the fields to print out one to a line. Otherwise, the fields will be printed several to a line to a maximum width of 60 characters.
- -w
- change the output to width characters.
- /usr/share/terminfo
- Compiled terminal description database.
This utility is actually a link to tic, running in -C mode. You can use other tic options such as -f and -x.
curses(3X), tic(1M), infocmp(1M), terminfo(5)
This describes ncurses version 5.7 (patch 20090207).