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Font::TTF::OldMort(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Font::TTF::OldMort(3)


Font::TTF::OldMort - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font



table version number (Fixed: currently 1.0)
list of metamorphosis chains, each of which has its own fields:
chain's default subfeature flags (UInt32)
list of feature entries, each of which has fields:
list of metamorphosis subtables, each of which has fields:
subtable type (0: rearrangement; 1: contextual substitution; 2: ligature; 4: non-contextual substitution; 5: insertion)
processing direction ('LR' or 'RL')
applies to text in which orientation ('VH', 'V', or 'H')
the subfeature flags controlling whether the table is used (UInt32)

Further fields depend on the type of subtable:

Rearrangement table:
array of lists of glyphs
array of arrays of hashes{'nextState', 'flags'}

Contextual substitution table:

array of lists of glyphs
array of array of hashes{'nextState', 'flags', 'actions'}, where "actions" is an array of two elements which are offsets to be added to [marked, current] glyph to get index into "mappings" (or "undef" if no mapping to be applied)
list of glyph codes mapped to through the state table mappings

Ligature table:

Non-contextual substitution table:

Insertion table:



Reads the table into memory


Writes the table to a file either from memory or by copying


Prints a human-readable representation of the table


None known


Jonathan Kew See Font::TTF::Font for copyright and licensing.


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

'=item' outside of any '=over'
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
2008-06-11 perl v5.10.1