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Pod::Simple::XHTML(3pm) Perl Programmers Reference Guide Pod::Simple::XHTML(3pm)


Pod::Simple::XHTML -- format Pod as validating XHTML


  use Pod::Simple::XHTML;
  my $parser = Pod::Simple::XHTML->new();


This class is a formatter that takes Pod and renders it as XHTML validating HTML.

This is a subclass of Pod::Simple::Methody and inherits all its methods. The implementation is entirely different than Pod::Simple::HTML, but it largely preserves the same interface.


Pod::Simple::XHTML offers a number of methods that modify the format of the HTML output. Call these after creating the parser object, but before the call to "parse_file":

  my $parser = Pod::PseudoPod::HTML->new();


In turning Foo::Bar into http://whatever/Foo%3a%3aBar, what to put before the "Foo%3a%3aBar". The default value is "".


What to put after "Foo%3a%3aBar" in the URL. This option is not set by default.


In turning "L<crontab(5)>" into http://whatever/man/1/crontab, what to put before the "1/crontab". The default value is "".


What to put after "1/crontab" in the URL. This option is not set by default.

title_prefix, title_postfix

What to put before and after the title in the head. The values should already be &-escaped.



The URL or relative path of a CSS file to include. This option is not set by default.


The URL or relative path of a JavaScript file to pull in. This option is not set by default.


A document type tag for the file. This option is not set by default.


Additional arbitrary HTML tags for the header of the document. The default value is just a content type header tag:

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

Add additional meta tags here, or blocks of inline CSS or JavaScript (wrapped in the appropriate tags).


This is the level of HTML "Hn" element to which a Pod "head1" corresponds. For example, if "html_h_level" is set to 2, a head1 will produce an H2, a head2 will produce an H3, and so on.


Set a default title for the page if no title can be determined from the content. The value of this string should already be &-escaped.


Force a title for the page (don't try to determine it from the content). The value of this string should already be &-escaped.

Set the HTML output at the beginning and end of each file. The default header includes a title, a doctype tag (if "html_doctype" is set), a content tag (customized by "html_header_tags"), a tag for a CSS file (if "html_css" is set), and a tag for a Javascript file (if "html_javascript" is set). The default footer simply closes the "html" and "body" tags.

The options listed above customize parts of the default header, but setting "html_header" or "html_footer" completely overrides the built-in header or footer. These may be useful if you want to use template tags instead of literal HTML headers and footers or are integrating converted POD pages in a larger website.

If you want no headers or footers output in the HTML, set these options to the empty string.


Whether to add a table-of-contents at the top of each page (called an index for the sake of tradition).


If the standard options aren't enough, you may want to subclass Pod::Simple::XHMTL. These are the most likely candidates for methods you'll want to override when subclassing.


This method handles the body of text within any element: it's the body of a paragraph, or everything between a "=begin" tag and the corresponding "=end" tag, or the text within an L entity, etc. You would want to override this if you are adding a custom element type that does more than just display formatted text. Perhaps adding a way to generate HTML tables from an extended version of POD.

So, let's say you want add a custom element called 'foo'. In your subclass's "new" method, after calling "SUPER::new" you'd call:

  $new->accept_targets_as_text( 'foo' );

Then override the "start_for" method in the subclass to check for when "$flags->{'target'}" is equal to 'foo' and set a flag that marks that you're in a foo block (maybe "$self->{'in_foo'} = 1"). Then override the "handle_text" method to check for the flag, and pass $text to your custom subroutine to construct the HTML output for 'foo' elements, something like:

  sub handle_text {
      my ($self, $text) = @_;
      if ($self->{'in_foo'}) {
          $self->{'scratch'} .= build_foo_html($text);
      } else {
          $self->{'scratch'} .= $text;


This method behaves like "accept_targets_as_text", but also marks the region as one whose content should be emitted literally, without HTML entity escaping or wrapping in a "div" element.

  my $url = $pod->resolve_pod_page_link('Net::Ping', 'INSTALL');
  my $url = $pod->resolve_pod_page_link('perlpodspec');
  my $url = $pod->resolve_pod_page_link(undef, 'SYNOPSIS');

Resolves a POD link target (typically a module or POD file name) and section name to a URL. The resulting link will be returned for the above examples as:

Note that when there is only a section argument the URL will simply be a link to a section in the current document.

  my $url = $pod->resolve_man_page_link('crontab(5)', 'EXAMPLE CRON FILE');
  my $url = $pod->resolve_man_page_link('crontab');

Resolves a man page link target and numeric section to a URL. The resulting link will be returned for the above examples as:

Note that the first argument is required. The section number will be parsed from it, and if it's missing will default to 1. The second argument is currently ignored, as <> does not currently include linkable IDs or anchor names in its pages. Subclass to link to a different man page HTTP server.


  my $id   = $pod->idify($text);
  my $hash = $pod->idify($text, 1);

This method turns an arbitrary string into a valid XHTML ID attribute value. The rules enforced, following <>, are:

  • The id must start with a letter (a-z or A-Z)
  • All subsequent characters can be letters, numbers (0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), colons (:), and periods (.).
  • Each id must be unique within the document.

In addition, the returned value will be unique within the context of the Pod::Simple::XHTML object unless a second argument is passed a true value. ID attributes should always be unique within a single XHTML document, but pass the true value if you are creating not an ID but a URL hash to point to an ID (i.e., if you need to put the "#foo" in "<a href="#foo">foo</a>".


  $pod->batch_mode_page_object_init($batchconvobj, $module, $infile, $outfile, $depth);

Called by Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch so that the class has a chance to initialize the converter. Internally it sets the "batch_mode" property to true and sets "batch_mode_current_level()", but Pod::Simple::XHTML does not currently use those features. Subclasses might, though.


Pod::Simple, Pod::Simple::Text, Pod::Spell


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This module is managed in an open GitHub repository, <>. Feel free to fork and contribute, or to clone <git://> and send patches!

Patches against Pod::Simple are welcome. Please send bug reports to <>.


Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Allison Randal.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


Thanks to <Hurricane Electrict> for permission to use its <Linux man pages online> site for man page links.

Thanks to <> for permission to use the site for Perl module links.


Pod::Simpele::XHTML was created by Allison Randal <>.

Pod::Simple was created by Sean M. Burke <>. But don't bother him, he's retired.

Pod::Simple is maintained by:

  • Allison Randal ""
  • Hans Dieter Pearcey ""
  • David E. Wheeler ""
2017-03-21 perl v5.10.1