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PUBLICAN(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation PUBLICAN(1)


publican - a DocBook XML publishing tool.


This document describes publican version 1.0


publican <command options>

publican <action> <action options>

Command Options

    --help              Display help message
    --man               Display the man page
    --help_actions      Display a list of valid actions
    -v                  Display the version of Publican

Run: 'publican <action> --help' for details on action usage

Valid actions are:

    build         Transform XML to other formats (pdf, html, html-single, etc)
    clean         Remove all temporary files and directories
    clean_ids     Run clean ids for source XML
    clean_set      Remove local copies of remote set books
    create        Create a new book, set, or article
    create_brand  Create a new brand
    create_site   Create a new WebSite in the supplied location.
    help_config   Display help text for the configuration file
    install_book  Install a book in to a WebSite.
    install_brand  Install a brand to the supplied location
    lang_stats    report PO statistics
    old2new       Create a publican.cfg file from the Makefile of an old book, set, or article
    package       Package a language for shipping
    print_banned  Print a list of banned DocBook tags
    print_known   Print a list of QA'd DocBook tags
    print_unused  Print a list of unused XML files
    print_tree     Print a tree of the xi:includes
    remove_book   Remove a book from a WebSite.
    site_stats    Report on the contents of a WebSite
    update_po     Update the PO files
    update_pot    Update the POT files
    update_site   Update an existing sites templates.


Publican is a DocBook publication system, not just a DocBook processing tool. As well as ensuring your DocBook XML is valid, publican works to ensure your XML is up to publishable standard.


Transform XML to other formats (pdf, html, html-single, etc)

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.
        --formats=<FORMATS>       Comma-separated list of formats, for example: html,pdf,html-single,html-desktop,txt,epub
        --langs=<LANGS>           Comma-separated list of languages, for example: en-US,de-DE,all
        --publish                 Set up built content for publishing
        --embedtoc                Embed the web site TOC object in the generated HTML
        --distributed_set         This flag tells publican the data being processed is a distributed set. Note: do not use distributed_set on the command line. Publican uses this flag when calling itself to process distributed sets. This is the only safe way this flag can be used.

Remove all temporary files and directories

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.

Run clean ids for source XML

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.

Remove local copies of remote set books

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.

Create a new book, set, or article

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.
        --name=<NAME>             The name of the book, article, set, or brand
        --version=<VERSION>       The version of the product
        --edition=<EDITION>       The edition of the book, article, or set
        --product=<PRODUCT>       The name of the product
        --brand=<BRAND>           The brand to use
        --lang=<LANG>             The language the XML will be written in
        --type=<TYPE>             The type (book, article, or set)

Create a new brand

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.
        --name=<NAME>             The name of the book, article, set, or brand
        --lang=<LANG>             The language the XML will be written in

Create a new WebSite in the supplied location.

        --site_config=<SITE_CONFIG>    WebSite configuration file to use or create.
        --db_file=<DB_FILE>       Override default database file.
        --toc_path=<TOC_PATH>     Override the default TOC path.
        --tmpl_path=<TMPL_PATH>    Override the default template path.

Display help text for the configuration file

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.

Install a book in to a WebSite.

        --site_config=<SITE_CONFIG>    WebSite configuration file to use or create.
        --lang=<LANG>             The language the XML will be written in

Install a brand to the supplied location

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.
        --path=<PATH>             /path/to/install/to

report PO statistics

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.
        --lang=<LANG>             The language the XML will be written in

Create a publican.cfg file from the Makefile of an old book, set, or article

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.

Package a language for shipping

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.
        --lang=<LANG>             The language the XML will be written in
        --desktop                 Create desktop instead of web package
        --brew                    Push SRPM to brew
        --scratch                 Use scratch instead of tag build
        --short_sighted           Create package without using version in package name
        --binary                  Build binary rpm when running package
        --wait                    Wait for brew to finish building
        --cvs                     Import the SRPM in to CVS, the run make tag and make build.

Print a list of banned DocBook tags

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.

Print a list of QA'd DocBook tags

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.

Print a list of unused XML files

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.

Print a tree of the xi:includes

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.

Remove a book from a WebSite.

        --site_config=<SITE_CONFIG>    WebSite configuration file to use or create.
        --lang=<LANG>             The language the XML will be written in

Report on the contents of a WebSite

        --site_config=<SITE_CONFIG>    WebSite configuration file to use or create.

Update the PO files

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.
        --langs=<LANGS>           Comma-separated list of languages, for example: en-US,de-DE,all

Update the POT files

        --help                    Display help message
        --config=s                Use a nonstandard config file
        --common_config=s         Override path to Common_Config directory
        --common_content=s        Override path to Common_Content directory
        --nocolours               Disable ANSI colourisation of logging.
        --quiet                   Disable all logging.

Update an existing sites templates.

        --site_config=<SITE_CONFIG>    WebSite configuration file to use or create.


Publican requires access to GetText msgmerge for merging updated POT files with PO files.

Publican requires access to Apache FOP for creating PDF files.


Archive::Tar Carp Config::Simple Cwd DateTime DateTime::Format::DateParse Encode File::Copy::Recursive File::Find File::Find::Rule File::Path File::pushd File::Spec Getopt::Long HTML::FormatText HTML::TreeBuilder I18N::LangTags::List Image::Magick Image::Size Locale::PO Makefile::Parser Module::Build Pod::Usage Publican Publican::Builder Publican::CreateBook Publican::CreateBrand Publican::Localise Publican::Translate Publican::TreeView Publican::XmlClean Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate Term::ANSIColor Test::More Text::Wrap XML::LibXML XML::LibXSLT XML::TreeBuilder


None reported.


No bugs have been reported.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at <;version=rawhide&amp;component=publican>.


Jeff Fearn "<>"

2010-11-23 perl v5.10.1