SAXON(1) | User Commands | SAXON(1) |
saxon - Process XML documents with XSLT stylesheets
saxon [options] source-doc [style-doc] [{param=value}...]
saxon is a command line tool for applying XSLT stylesheets to XML documents.
It is invoked from the command line with some options, followed by the name of the source document to be transformed, followed by the the name of the stylesheet to use for the transformation, and finally followed by optional XSL parameters.
A parameter takes the form name=value, name being the name of the parameter, and value the value of the parameter. These parameters are accessible within the stylesheet as normal variables, using the $name syntax, provided they are declared using a top-level xsl:param element. If there is no such declaration, the supplied parameter value is silently ignored. You can specify a parameter value containing spaces by enclosing it in double quotes, for example name="John Brown".
- -a
- Use the xml-stylesheet processing instruction in the source document to
identify the stylesheet to be used. When using this option, the style-doc
argument should be omitted. The <?xml-stylesheet?> processing
instruction must have a pseudo-attribute href that identifies the relative
or absolute URL of the stylesheet document, and a pseudo-attribute type
whose value is "text/xml", "application/xml", or
"text/xsl". For example:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../style3.xsl"?>Stylesheets embedded within the source document are not supported in this release.
- -dmodel
- Selects the implementation of the internal tree model. -dt selects the "tinytree" model. -ds selects the traditional tree model. The default is -dt.
- -l
- Switches line numbering on for the source document. Line numbers are accessible through the extension function saxon:line-number(), or from a trace listener.
- -m classname
- Use the specified Emitter to process the output from xsl:message. The class must implement the com.icl.saxon.output.Emitter class. This interface is similar to a SAX ContentHandler, it takes a stream of events to generate output. In general the content of a message is an XML fragment. By default the standard XML emitter is used, configured to write to the standard error stream, and to include no XML declaration. Each message is output as a new document.
- -noext
- Suppress calls on extension functions, other than system-supplied Saxon and EXSLT extension functions. This option is useful when loading an untrusted stylesheet, perhaps from a remote site using an HTTP URL; it ensures that the stylesheet cannot call Java methods and thereby gain privileged access to resources on your machine.
- -o filename
- Send output to named file. In the absence of this option, output goes to standard output. The file extension of the output file is used to decide the default output method if none is specified.
- -r classname
- Use the specified URIResolver to process all URIs. The URIResolver is a user-defined class, that extends the com.icl.saxon.URIResolver class, whose function is to take a URI supplied as a string, and return a SAX InputSource. It is invoked to process URIs used in the document() function, in the xsl:include and xsl:import elements, and (if -u is also specified) to process the URIs of the source file and stylesheet file provided on the command line. If xml-commons-resolver is available, defaults to
- -t
- Display version and timing information to the standard error output.
- -T
- Display stylesheet tracing information to the standard error output. Also switches line numbering on for the source document.
- -TL classname
- Run the stylesheet using the specified TraceListener. The classname names a user-defined class, which must implement com.icl.saxon.trace.TraceListener.
- -u
- Indicates that the names of the source document and the style document are URLs; otherwise they are taken as filenames, unless they start with "http:" or "file:", in which case they are taken as URLs.
- -wlevel
- Indicates the policy for handling recoverable errors in the stylesheet: -w0 means recover silently, -w1 means recover after writing a warning message to the system error output, -w2 means signal the error and do not attempt recovery. (Note, this does not currently apply to all errors that the XSLT recommendation describes as recoverable). The default is -w1.
- -x classname
- Use the specified SAX parser for source file and for any files loaded using the document() function. The parser must be the fully-qualified class name of a Java class that implements the org.xml.sax.Parser or org.xml.sax.XMLReader interface. If xml-commons-resolver is available, defaults to
- -y classname
- Use the specified SAX parser for all stylesheet files, including any loaded using xsl:include or xsl:import. The parser must be the fully-qualified class name of a Java class that implements the org.xml.sax.Parser or org.xml.sax.XMLReader interface. If xml-commons-resolver is available, defaults to
- -?
- Display command syntax.
Michael H. Kay <>
July 2004 | 6.5.5 |