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KRB.EQUIV(5) | File Formats Manual | KRB.EQUIV(5) |
/etc/krb.equiv - Kerberos equivalences
krb.equiv contains zero or more lines, each of which describes a mapping of a kerberos principal (userid@host) to a local user (userid or alias). Each line of the file consists of two fields, separated by at least one whitespace character; other blanks are ignored. The first field is the kerberos principal name to remap, and the second is the name of the corresponding local user.
tyq4@ANDY.CMU.EDU tyq4 tyq4@DEANNA.ORG tyq4 ty347@ECE.CMU.EDU tyq4 jj12@ANDY.CMU.EDU tick tick@DEANNA.ORG tick jy9o@ANDY.CMU.EDU jyager jyager@CS.CMU.EDU jyager
Project Cyrus | CMU |