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FIREFOX(1) Linux User's Manual FIREFOX(1)


firefox - a Web browser for X11 derived from the Mozilla browser


firefox [OPTIONS ...] [URL]

firefox-bin [OPTIONS] [URL]


Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser, designed for standards compliance, performance and portability.


firefox is a simple shell script that will set up the environment for the actual executable, firefox-bin.


A summary of the options supported by firefox is included below.

X11 options

X display to use
Make X calls synchronous
Make all warnings fatal

Firefox options

Show summary of options.
Print Firefox version.
Start with profile.
Start with profile at path.
Start with migration wizard.
Start with ProfileManager.
Do not accept or send remote commands; implies --new-instance.
Open new instance, not a new window in running instance.
Start with locale resources as UI Locale.
Disables extensions and themes for this session.
Run without a GUI.
Enable remote control server.
Open a browser window.
Open url in a new window.
Open url in a new tab.
Open url in a new private window.
Open Preferences dialog.
Save screenshot to path or in working directory.
Width and optionally height of screenshot.
Search term with your default search engine.
Open the Browser Console.
Open the Browser Toolbox.
Spin event loop until JS debugger connects. Enables debugging (some) application startup code paths. Only has an effect when --jsdebugger is also supplied.
Open DevTools on initial load.
Start the debugger server on a TCP port or Unix domain socket path. Defaults to TCP port 6000. Use WebSocket protocol if ws: prefix is specified.
Record drawing for a given URL.
Specify destination file for a drawing recording.
Set this app as the default browser.


/usr/bin/firefox - shell script wrapping firefox
/usr/lib64/firefox/firefox-bin - firefox executable




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November 30, 2017 firefox