F2PY(1) | General Commands Manual | F2PY(1) |
f2py - Fortran to Python interface generator
(1) To construct extension module sources:
f2py [<options>] <fortran files> [[[only:]||[skip:]] <fortran functions> ] [: <fortran files> ...]
(2) To compile fortran files and build extension modules:
f2py -c [<options>, <config_fc options>, <extra options>] <fortran files>
(3) To generate signature files:
f2py -h <filename.pyf> ...< same options as in (1) >
This program generates a Python C/API file (<modulename>module.c) that contains wrappers for given Fortran or C functions so that they can be called from Python. With the -c option the corresponding extension modules are built.
- -h <filename>
- Write signatures of the fortran routines to file <filename> and exit. You can then edit <filename> and use it instead of <fortran files>. If <filename>==stdout then the signatures are printed to stdout.
- <fortran functions>
- Names of fortran routines for which Python C/API functions will be generated. Default is all that are found in <fortran files>.
- skip:
- Ignore fortran functions that follow until `:'.
- only:
- Use only fortran functions that follow until `:'.
- :
- Get back to <fortran files> mode.
- -m <modulename>
- Name of the module; f2py generates a Python/C API file <modulename>module.c or extension module <modulename>. Default is ´untitled´.
- --[no-]lower
- Do [not] lower the cases in <fortran files>. By default, --lower is assumed with -h key, and --no-lower without -h key.
- --build-dir <dirname>
- All f2py generated files are created in <dirname>. Default is tempfile.mktemp().
- --overwrite-signature
- Overwrite existing signature file.
- --[no-]latex-doc
- Create (or not) <modulename>module.tex. Default is --no-latex-doc.
- --short-latex
- Create 'incomplete' LaTeX document (without commands \documentclass, \tableofcontents, and \begin{document}, \end{document}).
- --[no-]rest-doc
- Create (or not) <modulename>module.rst. Default is --no-rest-doc.
- --debug-capi
- Create C/API code that reports the state of the wrappers during runtime. Useful for debugging.
- -include´<includefile>´
- Add CPP #include statement to the C/API code. <includefile> should be in the format of either `"filename.ext"' or `<filename.ext>'. As a result <includefile> will be included just before wrapper functions part in the C/API code. The option is depreciated, use `usercode` statement in signature files instead.
- --[no-]wrap-functions
- Create Fortran subroutine wrappers to Fortran 77 functions. --wrap-functions is default because it ensures maximum portability/compiler independence.
- --help-link [..]
- List system resources found by system_info.py. [..] may contain a list of resources names. See also --link-<resource> switch below.
- --quiet
- Run quietly.
- --verbose
- Run with extra verbosity.
- -v
- Print f2py version ID and exit.
- --include_paths path1:path2:...
- Search include files (that f2py will scan) from the given directories.
The following options are effective only when -c switch is used.
- --help-compiler
- List available Fortran compilers [DEPRECIATED].
- --fcompiler=<name>
- Specify Fortran compiler type by vendor.
- --compiler=<name>
- Specify C compiler type (as defined by distutils)
- --fcompiler-exec=<path>
- Specify the path to F77 compiler [DEPRECIATED].
- --f90compiler-exec=<path>
- Specify the path to F90 compiler [DEPRECIATED].
- --help-fcompiler
- List available Fortran compilers and exit.
- --f77exec=<path>
- Specify the path to F77 compiler.
- --f90exec=<path>
- Specify the path to F90 compiler.
- --f77flags="..."
- Specify F77 compiler flags.
- --f90flags="..."
- Specify F90 compiler flags.
- --opt="..."
- Specify optimization flags.
- --arch="..."
- Specify architecture specific optimization flags.
- --noopt
- Compile without optimization.
- --noarch
- Compile without arch-dependent optimization.
- --debug
- Compile with debugging information.
The following options are effective only when -c switch is used.
- --link-<resource>
- Link extension module with <resource> as defined by numpy_distutils/system_info.py. E.g. to link with optimized LAPACK libraries (vecLib on MacOSX, ATLAS elsewhere), use --link-lapack_opt. See also --help-link switch.
- -L/path/to/lib/ -l<libname>
- -D<define> -U<name> -I/path/to/include/
- <filename>.o <filename>.so <filename>.a
- Macros that might be required with non-gcc Fortran compilers.
- To print out a performance report of F2PY interface when python exits. Available for Linux.
- To send a message to stderr whenever F2PY interface makes a copy of an array. Integer <int> sets the threshold for array sizes when a message should be shown.
Python 1.5.2 or higher (2.x is supported).
Numerical Python 13 or higher (20.x,21.x,22.x,23.x are supported).
Optional Numarray 0.9 or higher partially supported.
numpy_distutils from Scipy (can be downloaded from F2PY homepage)
For instructions on reporting bugs, see
Pearu Peterson <pearu@cens.ioc.ee>
Main website: http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/
User's Guide: http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/usersguide/
Mailing list: http://cens.ioc.ee/mailman/listinfo/f2py-users/
Scipy website: http://www.numpy.org
Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Pearu Peterson
NumPy License