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RCT(8) RHSM Certificate Tool RCT(8)


rct - Displays information (headers) about or size and statistics of a entitlement, product, or identity certificate used by Red Hat Subscription Manager.


rct cat-cert [--no-content] [--no-products] /path/to/certificate.pem rct stat-cert /path/to/certificate.pem rct cat-manifest [--no-content] /path/to/ rct dump-manifest [--destination /path] [--force] /path/to/


Red Hat Subscription Manager uses X.509 certificates to identify a registered system (identity certificate), the products installed on that system (product certificates), and the subscriptions attached to the system (entitlement certificates), including available content repositories, products, and support levels. All of the information that Subscription Manager requires is contained in the body of the certificate.


Prints the size of the certificate and other details about the certificate. The precise details depend on the type of certificate being checked.

Prints the information that is contained in the certificate itself, such as the certificate headers, serial numbers, products, and content sets. Two options, --no-content and --no-products, can be used to shorten the output to include only header and descriptive information.

Prints the information that is contained in the subscription service manifest. The manifest is an archive of JSON files which contain all of the subscription information for subscriptions allocated to the on-premise service. The --no-content option can be used to reduce the detail shown in the output.

Extracts the contents of the manifest archive.


The rct tool is used to gather information about the already-issued certificates being used by Subscription Manager. The main reason for that is that certificate sizes, for a number of reasons, impact content delivery service performance.

For large accounts and organizations, there can be a very large number of products and content sets available. Older versions of entitlement certificates (version 1.0) used different (less efficient) DER encoding, so that large amounts of information results in very large certificates. (This is what caused timeouts or crashes when dealing with some content services.) Newer entitlement certificate versions (version 3.0) use more efficient encoding on large content sets, , resulting in smaller certificate content sizes and better service performance.

If there are problems with the content service timing out or returning errors, then the rct stat-cert command can be used to check the size and version of a given entitlement certificate quickly.

A large number of content sets is anything over 185 total sets. Both the total number of content sets and the size of the DER encoding in the certificate could affect performance.


Gives the full path and filename to the PEM certificate for the given subscription, product, or system. This is required.


The statistics for an entitlement certificate show both the DER size and the number of content sets, among other information:

* Type (entitlement certificate)
* Version (of the certificate style); newer versions will be 3.x, with better performance for handling large content sets
* DER size, which gives the size of the certificate contents (not the size of the certificate file itself)
* Key size, for the associated key file, in bytes
* The total number of available content sets in the subscription

For example:

[root@server ~]# rct stat-cert /etc/pki/entitlement/2027912482659389239.pem
Type: Entitlement Certificate
Version: 1.0
DER size: 47555b
Subject Key ID size: 553b
Content sets: 100

While the size of the certificate is less of an issue for identity and product certificates (which are quite small), the stat-cert command can still be used to view the size and statistics of the certificates.

For a product certificate, the stat-cert command shows:

* Type (product certificate)
* Version (of the certificate style)
* DER size, which gives the size of the certificate contents (not the size of the certificate file itself)

For example:

[root@server ~]# rct stat-cert /etc/pki/product/69.pem
Type: Product Certificate
Version: 1.0
DER size: 1558b

For an identity certificate:

* Type (identity certificate)
* Version (of the certificate style)
* DER size, which gives the size of the certificate contents (not the size of the certificate file itself)
* Key size, for the associated key file, in bytes

For example:

[root@server ~]# rct stat-cert /etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem
Type: Identity Certificate
Version: 1.0
DER size: 1488b
Subject Key ID size: 20b


Each certificate contains a complete set of information with all of the details for whatever element is being identified. That information can be displayed, in pretty-print form, using the cat-cert command.


Gives the full path and filename to the PEM certificate for the given subscription, product, or system. This is required.

Returns all of the certification information, order information, and product information, but excludes all of the Content sections, which significantly reduced the information printed to stdout. This is for an entitlement certificate only.

Returns all of the certification information, order information, and content (repository) information, but excludes all of the Product sections, which significantly reduced the information printed to stdout. This is for an entitlement certificate only.

Gives the full path and filename to the PEM certificate for the given subscription, product, or system.


The command returns the most basic information about the certificate -- such as its directory path, its serial number and subject name, and its validity period (start and end dates) -- in the Certificate section:

* Path -- the filesystem location where the certificate is installed
* Version -- the certificate format version -- P * Serial -- the serial number for the certificate
* Start/End Date -- the validity period for the certificate
* Alt Name -- the subject alternative name, which uses the hostname of the system rather than the UUID (for identity certificates only)

The Subject DN of the certificate is in the Subject section.

For example, for the identity certificate:

[root@server ~]# rct cat-cert /etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem

Identity Certificate +-------------------------------------------+ Certificate:
Path: /etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem
Version: 1.0
Serial: 824613308750035399
Start Date: 2012-11-09 16:20:22+00:00
End Date: 2013-11-09 16:20:22+00:00
Alt Name: Subject:
CN: e94bc90e-44a1-4f8c-b6fc-0a3e9d6fac2b

A product certificate contains additional information in a Product section, which defines the information for the specific installed product, such as its name, product version, and any yum tags used for that product. For example:

[root@server ~]# rct cat-cert /etc/pki/product/69.pem

Product Certificate +-------------------------------------------+ Certificate:
Path: /etc/pki/product/69.pem
Version: 1.0
Serial: 12750047592154746449
Start Date: 2012-10-04 18:45:02+00:00
End Date: 2032-09-29 18:45:02+00:00 Subject:
CN: Red Hat Product ID [b4f7ac9e-b7ed-45fa-9dcc-323beb20e916] Product:
ID: 69
Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
Version: 6.4
Arch: x86_64
Tags: rhel-6,rhel-6-server

The most information is contained in the entitlement certificate. Along with the Certificate and Subject, it also has a Product section that defines the product group that is covered by the subscription.

Then, it contains an Order section that details everything related to the purchase of the subscription (such as the contract number, service level, total quantity, quantities assigned to the system, and other details on the subscription).

A subscription for a product covers the version purchased and every previous version of the product. For example, when a subscription is purchased for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4, the subscription provides full access to all RHEL 6 repositories, plus access to all RHEL 5 repositories and then other included product content repositories, like Subscription Asset Manager. Every available content repository is listed in a Content section that contains the repository name, associated tags, its URL, and a notice on whether the yum repository is enabled by default. For example:

[root@server ~]# rct cat-cert /etc/pki/entitlement/2027912482659389239.pem

Entitlement Certificate +-------------------------------------------+ Certificate:
Path: /etc/pki/entitlement/2027912482659389239.pem
Version: 1.0
Serial: 2027912482659389239
Start Date: 2011-12-31 05:00:00+00:00
End Date: 2012-12-31 04:59:59+00:00 Subject:
CN: 8a99f9843adc8b8f013ae5f9de022b73 Product:
ID: 69
Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
Arch: x86_64,ia64,x86
Tags: Order:
Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server, Premium (8 sockets) (Up to 4 guests)
Number: 2673502
SKU: RH0103708
Contract: 10011052
Account: 5206751
Service Level: Premium
Service Type: L1-L3
Quantity: 100
Quantity Used: 1
Socket Limit: 8
Virt Limit:
Virt Only: False
Stacking ID:
Warning Period: 0
Provides Management: 0 Content:
Type: yum
Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server (RPMs)
Label: rhel-6-server-rpms
Vendor: Red Hat
URL: /content/dist/rhel/server/6/$releasever/$basearch/os
GPG: file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release
Enabled: True
Expires: 86400
Required Tags: rhel-6-server


A subscription management service is allocated a specific bloc of subscriptions that are available to an account. This list of subscriptions is the manifest for the service. The cat-manifest command reads and prints the details of the manifest, such as the creation date, the system UUID and name, available products, and subscription details.

There are multiple JSON files in the archive, identifying different aspects of the subscription service and subscription configuration, such as the general manifest properties, subscription information, content and repository information, and product information.


Excludes all of the Content Sets sections, which significantly reduces the information printed to stdout.

Gives the path and filename (by default, for the manifest file on the local system. This is required.


The command pretty-prints all of the details about the manifest itself and the allocated subscriptions, products, and content.

[root@server ~]# rct cat-manifest /tmp/

Manifest +-------------------------------------------+ General:
Server: candlepin
Server Version: 1.3
Date Created: 13 April 2013
Creator: admin Consumer:
Content Access Mode: entitlement
Type: system Subscriptions:
Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Quantity: 249237
Created: 12/01/2011
Start Date: 01/01/2012
End Date: 01/01/2022
Service Level: Premium
Service Type: Physical
Architectures: x86,x86_64
SKU: SYS0395
Contract: 12345678
Order: 09876543
Account: abcd1234
Entitlement File: /etc/pki/entitlement/2027912482659389239.pem
Certificate File: /etc/pki/product/69.pem
Certificate Version: 3


A subscription management service is allocated a specific bloc of subscriptions that are available to an account. This list of subscriptions is the manifest for the service. The cat-manifest command prints the contents of the manifest.


Gives the path and filename (by default, for the manifest file on the local system. This is required.

Specifies an export directory to which to extract and save the contents of the manifest archive. If no destination is given, then the archive is extracted to the local directory.

Overwrites any existing archive files. If a manifest archive already exists in the specified location (for example, if the manifest has already been dumped once), then attempting to dump the manifest to the same location will fail. Using the --force option forces the dump operation to complete and overwrites the previous file.


This command simply extracts the manifest files to a given location (the working directory by default). The manifest itself contains multiple JSON files, with separate JSON files providing details on the manifest itself, each individual product, each individual subscription, and details for the specific, on-premise subscription management service.

For example:

[root@server ~]# rct dump-manifest --destination /export/archives/sam/manifest /tmp/
The manifest has been dumped to the /export/archives/sam/manifest directory.


* Product certificates: /etc/pki/product/*.pem
* Subscription certificates: etc/pki/entitlement/<serial#>.pem
* System identity certificates: /etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem
* The manifest:


This tool is part of Red Hat Subscription Manager. To file bugs against this command-line tool, go to <>, and select Red Hat > Red Hat Enterprise Linux > subscription-manager.


Deon Lackey <>, Michael Stead <>, and James Bowes <>. The rct tool was written by James Bowes.


Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. This is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPLv2). A copy of this license is available at