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dotnet-tool-uninstall(1) .NET Documentation dotnet-tool-uninstall(1)

dotnet tool uninstall

This article applies to: ✔️ .NET Core 3.1 SDK and later versions


dotnet-tool-uninstall - Uninstalls the specified .NET tool from your machine.


dotnet tool uninstall <PACKAGE_NAME> -g|--global
dotnet tool uninstall <PACKAGE_NAME> --tool-path <PATH>
dotnet tool uninstall <PACKAGE_NAME>
dotnet tool uninstall -h|--help


The dotnet tool uninstall command provides a way for you to uninstall .NET tools from your machine. To use the command, you specify one of the following options:

To uninstall a global tool that was installed in the default location, use the --global option.
To uninstall a global tool that was installed in a custom location, use the --tool-path option.
To uninstall a local tool, omit the --global and --tool-path options.



Name/ID of the NuGet package that contains the .NET tool to uninstall. You can find the package name using the dotnet tool list command.



Specifies that the tool to be removed is from a user-wide installation. Can’t be combined with the --tool-path option. Omitting both --global and --tool-path specifies that the tool to be removed is a local tool.


Prints out a description of how to use the command.

--tool-path <PATH>

Specifies the location where to uninstall the tool. PATH can be absolute or relative. Can’t be combined with the --global option. Omitting both --global and --tool-path specifies that the tool to be removed is a local tool.


dotnet tool uninstall -g dotnetsay

Uninstalls the dotnetsay ( global tool.

dotnet tool uninstall dotnetsay --tool-path c:\global-tools

Uninstalls the dotnetsay ( global tool from a specific Windows directory.

dotnet tool uninstall dotnetsay --tool-path ~/bin

Uninstalls the dotnetsay ( global tool from a specific Linux/macOS directory.

dotnet tool uninstall dotnetsay

Uninstalls the dotnetsay ( local tool from the current directory.


.NET tools
Tutorial: Install and use a .NET global tool using the .NET CLI
Tutorial: Install and use a .NET local tool using the .NET CLI