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dotnet-workload(1) | .NET Documentation | dotnet-workload(1) |
dotnet workload command¶
This article applies to: ✔️ .NET 7 SDK and later versions
dotnet-workload - Provides information about the available workload commands and installed workloads.
dotnet workload [--info] dotnet workload -?|-h|--help
The dotnet workload command provides commands for working with .NET workloads. For example, dotnet workload install installs a particular workload. Each command defines its own options and arguments. All commands support the --help option for printing out brief documentation about how to use the command.
- •
- --info
Prints out detailed information about installed workloads, including their installation source, manifest version, manifest path, and install type.
- •
- -?|-h|--help
Prints out a list of available commands.
- •
- Install a workload
- •
- List the installed workloads on your machine
- •
- Show workloads available to install
2023-10-25 |