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rte_approx.h(3) DPDK rte_approx.h(3)




#include <stdint.h>


int rte_approx (double alpha, double d, uint32_t *p, uint32_t *q)
int rte_approx_64 (double alpha, double d, uint64_t *p, uint64_t *q)

Detailed Description

RTE Rational Approximation

Given a rational number alpha with 0 < alpha < 1 and a precision d, the goal is to find positive integers p, q such that alpha - d < p/q < alpha + d, and q is minimal.

Definition in file rte_approx.h.

Function Documentation

int rte_approx (double alpha, double d, uint32_t * p, uint32_t * q)

Find best rational approximation


alpha Rational number to approximate
d Precision for the rational approximation
p Pointer to pre-allocated space where the numerator of the rational approximation will be stored when operation is successful
q Pointer to pre-allocated space where the denominator of the rational approximation will be stored when operation is successful


0 upon success, error code otherwise

int rte_approx_64 (double alpha, double d, uint64_t * p, uint64_t * q)

Find best rational approximation (64 bit version)


alpha Rational number to approximate
d Precision for the rational approximation
p Pointer to pre-allocated space where the numerator of the rational approximation will be stored when operation is successful
q Pointer to pre-allocated space where the denominator of the rational approximation will be stored when operation is successful


0 upon success, error code otherwise


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