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rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm(8) Migration Tool rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm(8)


rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm - Migrates a system profile from Red Hat Network Classic Hosted to Customer Portal Subscription Management (hosted) or Subscription Asset Manager (on-premise).


rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm [--force] | [--no-auto] [--keep] | [--servicelevel=SERVICE_LEVEL] | [--remove-rhn-packages] | [--destination-url=URL] | [--legacy-user=LEGACY_USER] | [--legacy-password=LEGACY_PASSWORD] | [--destination-user=DESTINATION_USER] | [--destination-password=DESTINATION_PASSWORD] | [--org=ORG] | [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] | [--no-proxy] [--activation-key=ACTIVATION_KEY] | [--help]


rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm migrates a system profile which is registered with Red Hat Network Classic to Customer Portal Subscription Management. This is intended for migrating from the host service, not for migrating from a Satellite system.

This script migrates configuration, from a channel-based subscription framework to a certificate-based subscription framework. While the rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm script performs the migration operation, the data used to map the channels to the corresponding product certificates is defined in the subscription-manager-migration-data package. The subscription-manager-migration-data package must be installed before the rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm script can be run successfully.


Access to support and updates for products is determined through subscriptions. Subscriptions are attached to a system, which means that the system has the right to install and update a product with full support. Subscriptions for an entire account are tracked through a subscription management service.

With the channel-based framework, a subscription management service was either an on-premise Satellite or hosted Red Hat Network Classic. With the new certificate-based subscriptions, the subscription management service is either Customer Portal Subscription Management or Subscription Asset Manager. The differences between the two types of subscription management services are described in this Knowledgebase article: <>

The system registers with the subscription management service and receives an inventory ID number. When subscriptions are attached to a system, that association is noted in the subscription management service.

Registering with a subscription management service is exclusive. If a system is registered with Red Hat Network Classic, it cannot simultaneously be registered with Customer Portal Subscription Management. The rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm tool is provided specifically so that there is a way to transition from the deprecated Red Hat Network Classic to Customer Portal Subscription Management or an on-premise Subscription Asset Manager.


Prints the specific help information for the given command.

Ignore channels not available through Customer Portal Subscription Management (or Subscription Asset Manager). The channels in Red Hat Network Classic are mapped to the product certificates used by the Customer Portal Subscription Management. However, not every channel has a certificate mapping, which can cause errors during migration. Using this option skips any channels which are not mapped to Customer Portal Subscription Management.

Deletes the system from Red Hat Network Classic and registers it to Customer Portal Subscription Management, but does not attach any subscriptions to the system.

Sets a preferred service level for the system, such as premium or standard. This service-level preference is then used as one of the criteria for auto-attaching subscriptions to the system.

After unregistering from Red Hat Network Classic, remove legacy packages: osad, rhn-check, rhn-client-tools, rhncfg, rhncfg-actions, rhncfg-client, rhncfg-management, rhn-setup, rhnpush, rhnsd, spacewalk-abrt, spacewalk-oscap, yum-rhn-plugin. Once unregistered from Red Hat Network Classic, they are no longer needed. Once packages are removed, subsequent attempts to migrate will be blocked with a message indicating "Perhaps this script was already executed with --remove-rhn-packages?". --remove-rhn-packages cannot be used with --keep, since it does not make sense to keep a system registered without the tooling.

Sets the organization within the account structure to which to register the system. Every account is divided into subgroups called organizations, which represent some kind of organizational or logical division in the infrastructure. Organizations are further divided into environments, which organize content streams.

Sets which environment within the organization the system belongs to. Every account is divided into subgroups called organizations, which are further divided into environments Environments define different content streams.

Sets an activation key to use during registration to the subscription management service. Use of an activation key requires the user to supply the organization that the system will be registered to. This option may be supplied multiple times.

Leaves the system profile on the legacy system. Normally the system profile on the legacy system is deleted.

Disables or ignores any previous RHN proxy settings when migrating to the new subscription management service.

Specifies the user name on the legacy server.

Specifies the password for the user on the legacy server.

Specifies the URL of the subscription management service to which to register the system. This is used for environments which have an on-premise subscription management service such as Subscription Asset Manager. If no URL is given, the migration tool uses the Customer Portal Subscription Management Service.

Specifies the user name on the destination server.

Specifies the password for the user on the destination server.


The migration process moves the system from the inventory in one subscription management service (Red Hat Network Classic) to the new subscription management service (Customer Portal Subscription Management), and then re-applies the subscriptions to the system. The script runs through these steps:

1. Authenticate to both Red Hat Network Classic and Customer Portal Subscription Management to verify the account settings.

2. Get a channel list for the system.

3. Match each channel to a corresponding certificate map.

4. Copy over the product certificates for the old channels.

5. Unregister from Red Hat Network Classic.

6. Stop and disable legacy services: osad, rhnsd.

7. Register with Customer Portal Subscription Management and auto-attach the best-matched subscriptions.

After migration, the system facts maintained by Subscription Manager display what script was used for migration and what the previous system ID was.

[root@server ~]# subscription-manager facts --list | grep migr
migration.classic_system_id: 09876
migration.migrated_from: rhn_hosted_classic
migration.migration_date: 2012-09-14T14:55:29.280519


The rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm tool, by default, auto-attaches the best-matching subscriptions to the system. This allows migrations to be automated.

[root@server ~]# rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm
Legacy username:
Legacy password:
Retrieving existing legacy subscription information...
System is currently subscribed to these legacy channels:
Installing product certificates for these legacy channels:
Product certificates installed successfully to /etc/pki/product.
Preparing to unregister system from legacy server...
System successfully unregistered from legacy server.
Attempting to register system to destination server...
The system has been registered with ID: e6876d95-3564-4506-a44e-cb0c1b651434
Installed Product Current Status:
Product Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
Status:       Subscribed
System '' successfully registered.

The script prompts for a username and password to use to register the system; this same account is used to authenticate with both Red Hat Network Classic and Customer Portal Subscription Management.

Optionally, the --servicelevel argument sets an SLA preference to use with the system. The SLA associated with a subscription is then evaluated when determining what subscriptions to auto-attach to the system, along with other factors like installed products, existing channel assignments, and architecture.

[root@server ~]# rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm --servicelevel=premium
Legacy username:
Legacy password:


The rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm tool migrates the system to Customer Portal Subscription Management (hosted) services by default. This uses the default configuration for Subscription Manager, which points to the subscription management services for the Customer Portal. For infrastructures which have an on-premise subscription management service such as Subscription Asset Manager, this configuration can be changed so that the migration process registers the systems to the on-premise subscription management service and attaches the appropriate subscriptions.

This is done by using the --destination-url option, which specifies the URL of the on-premise service. In this case, the authorization credentials must also be given for the on-premise subscription management service account (which is independent of the RHN classic account).

[root@server ~]# rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm
Legacy username:
Legacy password:
Destination username:
Destination password:


The digital server ID for this machine if the system has been registered with Red Hat Network Classic. This file does not exist otherwise.

The common configuration file used by RHN client programs.

The Subscription Manager log file. This contains any errors registering the system to Customer Portal Subscription Management or with attaching subscriptions to the system.

The package which contains the mappings for the migration script to migrate channels to the appropriate product certificates.


install-num-migrate-to-rhsm(8), subscription-manager(8).


Deon Lackey <>, Paresh Mutha <>, Mark Huth <>, Tasos Papaioannou <>


This script is part of the Red Hat Subscription Manager tool. Report bugs to <>, using the Red Hat Enterprise Linux product and the subscription-manager component.


Copyright © 2012 Red Hat, Inc.

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.