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rte_metrics.h(3) DPDK rte_metrics.h(3)




#include <stdint.h>

Data Structures

struct rte_metric_name
struct rte_metric_value




int rte_metrics_init (int socket_id)
int rte_metrics_deinit (void)
int rte_metrics_reg_name (const char *name)
int rte_metrics_reg_names (const char *const *names, uint16_t cnt_names)
int rte_metrics_get_names (struct rte_metric_name *names, uint16_t capacity)
int rte_metrics_get_values (int port_id, struct rte_metric_value *values, uint16_t capacity)
int rte_metrics_update_value (int port_id, uint16_t key, const uint64_t value)
int rte_metrics_update_values (int port_id, uint16_t key, const uint64_t *values, uint32_t count)

Detailed Description

DPDK Metrics module

Metrics are statistics that are not generated by PMDs, and hence are better reported through a mechanism that is independent from the ethdev-based extended statistics. Providers will typically be other libraries and consumers will typically be applications.

Metric information is populated using a push model, where producers update the values contained within the metric library by calling an update function on the relevant metrics. Consumers receive metric information by querying the central metric data, which is held in shared memory. Currently only bulk querying of metrics by consumers is supported.

Definition in file rte_metrics.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


Maximum length of metric name (including null-terminator)

Definition at line 35 of file rte_metrics.h.


Global metric special id.

When used for the port_id parameter when calling rte_metrics_update_metric() or rte_metrics_update_metric(), the global metric, which are not associated with any specific port (i.e. device), are updated.

Definition at line 46 of file rte_metrics.h.

Function Documentation

int rte_metrics_init (int socket_id)

Initializes metric module. This function must be called from a primary process before metrics are used.


socket_id Socket to use for shared memory allocation.


0 on success Negative error code (from rte_errno.h) on error: -EEXIST - a memzone for metrics already exists but metrics is not initialized -ENOMEM - cannot allocate metrics memzone -E_RTE_SECONDARY - function called from secondary process

int rte_metrics_deinit (void)

Deinitialize metric module. This function must be called from a primary process after all the metrics usage is over, to release the shared memory.


-EINVAL - invalid parameter. -EIO: Error, unable to access metrics shared memory (rte_metrics_init() not called) 0 - success

int rte_metrics_reg_name (const char * name)

Register a metric, making it available as a reporting parameter.

Registering a metric is the way producers declare a parameter that they wish to be reported. Once registered, the associated numeric key can be obtained via rte_metrics_get_names(), which is required for updating said metric's value.


name Metric name. If this exceeds RTE_METRICS_MAX_NAME_LEN (including the NULL terminator), it is truncated.


  • Zero or positive: Success (index key of new metric)
  • -EIO: Error, unable to access metrics shared memory (rte_metrics_init() not called)
  • -EINVAL: Error, invalid parameters
  • -ENOMEM: Error, maximum metrics reached

int rte_metrics_reg_names (const char *const * names, uint16_t cnt_names)

Register a set of metrics.

This is a bulk version of rte_metrics_reg_names() and aside from handling multiple keys at once is functionally identical.


names List of metric names
cnt_names Number of metrics in set


  • Zero or positive: Success (index key of start of set)
  • -EIO: Error, unable to access metrics shared memory (rte_metrics_init() not called)
  • -EINVAL: Error, invalid parameters
  • -ENOMEM: Error, maximum metrics reached

int rte_metrics_get_names (struct rte_metric_name * names, uint16_t capacity)

Get metric name-key lookup table.


names A struct rte_metric_name array of at least capacity in size to receive key names. If this is NULL, function returns the required number of elements for this array.
capacity Size (number of elements) of struct rte_metric_name array. Disregarded if names is NULL.


  • Positive value above capacity: error, names is too small. Return value is required size.
  • Positive value equal or less than capacity: Success. Return value is number of elements filled in.
  • Negative value: error.

int rte_metrics_get_values (int port_id, struct rte_metric_value * values, uint16_t capacity)

Get metric value table.


port_id Port id to query
values A struct rte_metric_value array of at least capacity in size to receive metric ids and values. If this is NULL, function returns the required number of elements for this array.
capacity Size (number of elements) of struct rte_metric_value array. Disregarded if names is NULL.


  • Positive value above capacity: error, values is too small. Return value is required size.
  • Positive value equal or less than capacity: Success. Return value is number of elements filled in.
  • Negative value: error.

int rte_metrics_update_value (int port_id, uint16_t key, const uint64_t value)

Updates a metric


port_id Port to update metrics for
key Id of metric to update
value New value


  • -EIO if unable to access shared metrics memory
  • Zero on success

int rte_metrics_update_values (int port_id, uint16_t key, const uint64_t * values, uint32_t count)

Updates a metric set. Note that it is an error to try to update across a set boundary.


port_id Port to update metrics for
key Base id of metrics set to update
values Set of new values
count Number of new values


  • -ERANGE if count exceeds metric set size
  • -EIO if unable to access shared metrics memory
  • Zero on success


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Fri Dec 15 2023 Version 23.11.0