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rte_mtr_capabilities(3) DPDK rte_mtr_capabilities(3)




#include <rte_mtr.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t n_max
uint32_t n_shared_max
int identical
int shared_identical
uint32_t shared_n_flows_per_mtr_max
uint32_t chaining_n_mtrs_per_flow_max
int chaining_use_prev_mtr_color_supported
int chaining_use_prev_mtr_color_enforced
uint32_t meter_srtcm_rfc2697_n_max
uint32_t meter_trtcm_rfc2698_n_max
uint32_t meter_trtcm_rfc4115_n_max
uint64_t meter_rate_max
uint64_t meter_policy_n_max
int color_aware_srtcm_rfc2697_supported
int color_aware_trtcm_rfc2698_supported
int color_aware_trtcm_rfc4115_supported
int srtcm_rfc2697_byte_mode_supported
int srtcm_rfc2697_packet_mode_supported
int trtcm_rfc2698_byte_mode_supported
int trtcm_rfc2698_packet_mode_supported
int trtcm_rfc4115_byte_mode_supported
int trtcm_rfc4115_packet_mode_supported
uint64_t stats_mask
uint64_t input_color_proto_mask
int separate_input_color_table_per_port

Detailed Description

MTR capabilities

Definition at line 356 of file rte_mtr.h.

Field Documentation

uint32_t n_max

Maximum number of MTR objects.

Definition at line 358 of file rte_mtr.h.

uint32_t n_shared_max

Maximum number of MTR objects that can be shared by multiple flows. The value of zero indicates that shared MTR objects are not supported. The maximum value is n_max.

Definition at line 364 of file rte_mtr.h.

int identical

When non-zero, this flag indicates that all the MTR objects that cannot be shared by multiple flows have identical capability set.

Definition at line 369 of file rte_mtr.h.

int shared_identical

When non-zero, this flag indicates that all the MTR objects that can be shared by multiple flows have identical capability set.

Definition at line 374 of file rte_mtr.h.

uint32_t shared_n_flows_per_mtr_max

Maximum number of flows that can share the same MTR object. The value of zero is invalid. The value of 1 means that shared MTR objects not supported.

Definition at line 380 of file rte_mtr.h.

uint32_t chaining_n_mtrs_per_flow_max

Maximum number of MTR objects that can be part of the same flow. The value of zero is invalid. The value of 1 indicates that MTR object chaining is not supported. The maximum value is n_max.

Definition at line 386 of file rte_mtr.h.

int chaining_use_prev_mtr_color_supported

When non-zero, it indicates that the packet color identified by one MTR object can be used as the packet input color by any subsequent MTR object from the same flow. When zero, it indicates that the color determined by one MTR object is always ignored by any subsequent MTR object from the same flow. Only valid when MTR chaining is supported, i.e. chaining_n_mtrs_per_flow_max is greater than 1. When non-zero, it also means that the color aware mode is supported by at least one metering algorithm.

Definition at line 398 of file rte_mtr.h.

int chaining_use_prev_mtr_color_enforced

When non-zero, it indicates that the packet color identified by one MTR object is always used as the packet input color by any subsequent MTR object that is part of the same flow. When zero, it indicates that whether the color determined by one MTR object is either ignored or used as the packet input color by any subsequent MTR object from the same flow is individually configurable for each MTR object. Only valid when chaining_use_prev_mtr_color_supported is non-zero.

Definition at line 409 of file rte_mtr.h.

uint32_t meter_srtcm_rfc2697_n_max

Maximum number of MTR objects that can have their meter configured to run the srTCM RFC 2697 algorithm. The value of 0 indicates this metering algorithm is not supported. The maximum value is n_max.

Definition at line 415 of file rte_mtr.h.

uint32_t meter_trtcm_rfc2698_n_max

Maximum number of MTR objects that can have their meter configured to run the trTCM RFC 2698 algorithm. The value of 0 indicates this metering algorithm is not supported. The maximum value is n_max.

Definition at line 421 of file rte_mtr.h.

uint32_t meter_trtcm_rfc4115_n_max

Maximum number of MTR objects that can have their meter configured to run the trTCM RFC 4115 algorithm. The value of 0 indicates this metering algorithm is not supported. The maximum value is n_max.

Definition at line 427 of file rte_mtr.h.

uint64_t meter_rate_max

Maximum traffic rate that can be metered by a single MTR object. For srTCM RFC 2697, this is the maximum CIR rate. For trTCM RFC 2698, this is the maximum PIR rate. For trTCM RFC 4115, this is the maximum value for the sum of PIR and EIR rates.

Definition at line 434 of file rte_mtr.h.

uint64_t meter_policy_n_max

Maximum number of policy objects that can have. The value of 0 is invalid. Policy must be supported for meter. The maximum value is n_max.

Definition at line 441 of file rte_mtr.h.

int color_aware_srtcm_rfc2697_supported

When non-zero, it indicates that color aware mode is supported for the srTCM RFC 2697 metering algorithm.

Definition at line 447 of file rte_mtr.h.

int color_aware_trtcm_rfc2698_supported

When non-zero, it indicates that color aware mode is supported for the trTCM RFC 2698 metering algorithm.

Definition at line 453 of file rte_mtr.h.

int color_aware_trtcm_rfc4115_supported

When non-zero, it indicates that color aware mode is supported for the trTCM RFC 4115 metering algorithm.

Definition at line 459 of file rte_mtr.h.

int srtcm_rfc2697_byte_mode_supported

srTCM rfc2697 byte mode supported. When non-zero, it indicates that byte mode is supported for the srTCM RFC 2697 metering algorithm.

Definition at line 466 of file rte_mtr.h.

int srtcm_rfc2697_packet_mode_supported

srTCM rfc2697 packet mode supported. When non-zero, it indicates that packet mode is supported for the srTCM RFC 2697 metering algorithm.

Definition at line 473 of file rte_mtr.h.

int trtcm_rfc2698_byte_mode_supported

trTCM rfc2698 byte mode supported. When non-zero, it indicates that byte mode is supported for the trTCM RFC 2698 metering algorithm.

Definition at line 480 of file rte_mtr.h.

int trtcm_rfc2698_packet_mode_supported

trTCM rfc2698 packet mode supported. When non-zero, it indicates that packet mode is supported for the trTCM RFC 2698 metering algorithm.

Definition at line 487 of file rte_mtr.h.

int trtcm_rfc4115_byte_mode_supported

trTCM rfc4115 byte mode supported. When non-zero, it indicates that byte mode is supported for the trTCM RFC 4115 metering algorithm.

Definition at line 494 of file rte_mtr.h.

int trtcm_rfc4115_packet_mode_supported

trTCM rfc4115 packet mode supported. When non-zero, it indicates that packet mode is supported for the trTCM RFC 4115 metering algorithm.

Definition at line 501 of file rte_mtr.h.

uint64_t stats_mask

Set of supported statistics counter types.

See also

enum rte_mtr_stats_type

Definition at line 506 of file rte_mtr.h.

uint64_t input_color_proto_mask

Set of supported input color protocol.

See also

enum rte_mtr_color_in_protocol

Definition at line 511 of file rte_mtr.h.

int separate_input_color_table_per_port

When non-zero, it indicates that driver supports separate input color table for given ethdev port.

Definition at line 516 of file rte_mtr.h.


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