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rte_rawdev.h(3) DPDK rte_rawdev.h(3)




#include <rte_common.h>
#include <rte_memory.h>

Data Structures

struct rte_rawdev_xstats_name




uint8_t rte_rawdev_count (void)
uint16_t rte_rawdev_get_dev_id (const char *name)
int rte_rawdev_socket_id (uint16_t dev_id)
int rte_rawdev_info_get (uint16_t dev_id, struct rte_rawdev_info *dev_info, size_t dev_private_size)
int rte_rawdev_configure (uint16_t dev_id, struct rte_rawdev_info *dev_conf, size_t dev_private_size)
int rte_rawdev_queue_conf_get (uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id, rte_rawdev_obj_t queue_conf, size_t queue_conf_size)
int rte_rawdev_queue_setup (uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id, rte_rawdev_obj_t queue_conf, size_t queue_conf_size)
int rte_rawdev_queue_release (uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id)
uint16_t rte_rawdev_queue_count (uint16_t dev_id)
int rte_rawdev_start (uint16_t dev_id)
void rte_rawdev_stop (uint16_t dev_id)
int rte_rawdev_close (uint16_t dev_id)
int rte_rawdev_reset (uint16_t dev_id)
int rte_rawdev_dump (uint16_t dev_id, FILE *f)
int rte_rawdev_get_attr (uint16_t dev_id, const char *attr_name, uint64_t *attr_value)
int rte_rawdev_set_attr (uint16_t dev_id, const char *attr_name, const uint64_t attr_value)
int rte_rawdev_enqueue_buffers (uint16_t dev_id, struct rte_rawdev_buf **buffers, unsigned int count, rte_rawdev_obj_t context)
int rte_rawdev_dequeue_buffers (uint16_t dev_id, struct rte_rawdev_buf **buffers, unsigned int count, rte_rawdev_obj_t context)
int rte_rawdev_xstats_names_get (uint16_t dev_id, struct rte_rawdev_xstats_name *xstats_names, unsigned int size)
int rte_rawdev_xstats_get (uint16_t dev_id, const unsigned int ids[], uint64_t values[], unsigned int n)
uint64_t rte_rawdev_xstats_by_name_get (uint16_t dev_id, const char *name, unsigned int *id)
int rte_rawdev_xstats_reset (uint16_t dev_id, const uint32_t ids[], uint32_t nb_ids)
int rte_rawdev_firmware_status_get (uint16_t dev_id, rte_rawdev_obj_t status_info)
int rte_rawdev_firmware_version_get (uint16_t dev_id, rte_rawdev_obj_t version_info)
int rte_rawdev_firmware_load (uint16_t dev_id, rte_rawdev_obj_t firmware_image)
int rte_rawdev_firmware_unload (uint16_t dev_id)
int rte_rawdev_selftest (uint16_t dev_id)

Detailed Description

Generic device abstraction APIs.

This API allow applications to configure and use generic devices having no specific type already available in DPDK.

Definition in file rte_rawdev.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


Maximum name length for extended statistics counters

Definition at line 443 of file rte_rawdev.h.

Function Documentation

uint8_t rte_rawdev_count (void)

Get the total number of raw devices that have been successfully initialised.


The total number of usable raw devices.

uint16_t rte_rawdev_get_dev_id (const char * name)

Get the device identifier for the named raw device.


name Raw device name to select the raw device identifier.


Returns raw device identifier on success.
<0: Failure to find named raw device.

int rte_rawdev_socket_id (uint16_t dev_id)

Return the NUMA socket to which a device is connected.


dev_id The identifier of the device.


The NUMA socket id to which the device is connected or a default of zero if the socket could not be determined. -(-EINVAL) dev_id value is out of range.

int rte_rawdev_info_get (uint16_t dev_id, struct rte_rawdev_info * dev_info, size_t dev_private_size)

Retrieve the contextual information of a raw device.


dev_id The identifier of the device.
dev_info A pointer to a structure of type rte_rawdev_info to be filled with the contextual information of the device. The dev_info->dev_private field should point to an appropriate buffer space for holding the device- specific info for that hardware. If the dev_private field is set to NULL, then the device-specific info function will not be called and only basic information about the device will be returned. This can be used to safely query the type of a rawdev instance without needing to know the size of the private data to return.
dev_private_size The length of the memory space pointed to by dev_private in dev_info. This should be set to the size of the expected private structure to be returned, and may be checked by drivers to ensure the expected struct type is provided.


  • 0: Success, driver updates the contextual information of the raw device
  • <0: Error code returned by the driver info get function.

int rte_rawdev_configure (uint16_t dev_id, struct rte_rawdev_info * dev_conf, size_t dev_private_size)

Configure a raw device.

This function must be invoked first before any other function in the API. This function can also be re-invoked when a device is in the stopped state.

The caller may use rte_rawdev_info_get() to get the capability of each resources available for this raw device.


dev_id The identifier of the device to configure.
dev_conf The raw device configuration structure encapsulated into rte_rawdev_info object. It is assumed that the opaque object has enough information which the driver/implementation can use to configure the device. It is also assumed that once the configuration is done, a queue_id type field can be used to refer to some arbitrary internal representation of a queue.
dev_private_size The length of the memory space pointed to by dev_private in dev_info. This should be set to the size of the expected private structure to be used by the driver, and may be checked by drivers to ensure the expected struct type is provided.


  • 0: Success, device configured.
  • <0: Error code returned by the driver configuration function.

int rte_rawdev_queue_conf_get (uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id, rte_rawdev_obj_t queue_conf, size_t queue_conf_size)

Retrieve the current configuration information of a raw queue designated by its queue_id from the raw driver for a raw device.

This function intended to be used in conjunction with rte_raw_queue_setup() where caller needs to set up the queue by overriding few default values.


dev_id The identifier of the device.
queue_id The index of the raw queue to get the configuration information. The value must be in the range [0, nb_raw_queues - 1] previously supplied to rte_rawdev_configure().
queue_conf The pointer to the default raw queue configuration data.
queue_conf_size The size of the structure pointed to by queue_conf


  • 0: Success, driver updates the default raw queue configuration data.
  • <0: Error code returned by the driver info get function.

See also


int rte_rawdev_queue_setup (uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id, rte_rawdev_obj_t queue_conf, size_t queue_conf_size)

Allocate and set up a raw queue for a raw device.


dev_id The identifier of the device.
queue_id The index of the raw queue to setup. The value must be in the range [0, nb_raw_queues - 1] previously supplied to rte_rawdev_configure().
queue_conf The pointer to the configuration data to be used for the raw queue. NULL value is allowed, in which case default configuration used.
queue_conf_size The size of the structure pointed to by queue_conf

See also



  • 0: Success, raw queue correctly set up.
  • <0: raw queue configuration failed

int rte_rawdev_queue_release (uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_id)

Release and deallocate a raw queue from a raw device.


dev_id The identifier of the device.
queue_id The index of the raw queue to release. The value must be in the range [0, nb_raw_queues - 1] previously supplied to rte_rawdev_configure().

See also



  • 0: Success, raw queue released.
  • <0: raw queue configuration failed

uint16_t rte_rawdev_queue_count (uint16_t dev_id)

Get the number of raw queues on a specific raw device


dev_id Raw device identifier.


The number of configured raw queues

int rte_rawdev_start (uint16_t dev_id)

Start a raw device.

The device start step is the last one and consists of setting the raw queues to start accepting the raws and schedules to raw ports.

On success, all basic functions exported by the API (raw enqueue, raw dequeue and so on) can be invoked.


dev_id Raw device identifier


0: Success, device started. < 0: Failure

void rte_rawdev_stop (uint16_t dev_id)

Stop a raw device. The device can be restarted with a call to rte_rawdev_start()


dev_id Raw device identifier.

int rte_rawdev_close (uint16_t dev_id)

Close a raw device. The device cannot be restarted after this call.


dev_id Raw device identifier


  • 0 on successfully closing device
  • <0 on failure to close device
  • (-EAGAIN) if device is busy

int rte_rawdev_reset (uint16_t dev_id)

Reset a raw device. This is different from cycle of rte_rawdev_start->rte_rawdev_stop in the sense similar to hard or soft reset.


dev_id Raw device identifiers


0 for successful reset, !0 for failure in resetting

int rte_rawdev_dump (uint16_t dev_id, FILE * f)

Dump internal information about dev_id to the FILE* provided in f.


dev_id The identifier of the device.
f A pointer to a file for output


  • 0: on success
  • <0: on failure.

int rte_rawdev_get_attr (uint16_t dev_id, const char * attr_name, uint64_t * attr_value)

Get an attribute value from implementation. Attribute is an opaque handle agreed upon between application and PMD.

Implementations are expected to maintain an array of attribute-value pairs based on application calls. Memory management for this structure is shared responsibility of implementation and application.


dev_id The identifier of the device to configure.
attr_name Opaque object representing an attribute in implementation.
attr_value [out] Opaque response to the attribute value. In case of error, this remains untouched. This is double pointer of void type.


0 for success !0 Error; attr_value remains untouched in case of error.

int rte_rawdev_set_attr (uint16_t dev_id, const char * attr_name, const uint64_t attr_value)

Set an attribute value. Attribute is an opaque handle agreed upon between application and PMD.


dev_id The identifier of the device to configure.
attr_name Opaque object representing an attribute in implementation.
attr_value Value of the attribute represented by attr_name


0 for success !0 Error

int rte_rawdev_enqueue_buffers (uint16_t dev_id, struct rte_rawdev_buf ** buffers, unsigned int count, rte_rawdev_obj_t context)

Enqueue a stream of buffers to the device.

Rather than specifying a queue, this API passes along an opaque object to the driver implementation. That object can be a queue or any other contextual information necessary for the device to enqueue buffers.


dev_id The identifier of the device to configure.
buffers Collection of buffers for enqueuing
count Count of buffers to enqueue
context Opaque context information.


>=0 for buffers enqueued !0 for failure. Whether partial enqueue is failure or success is defined between app and driver implementation.

int rte_rawdev_dequeue_buffers (uint16_t dev_id, struct rte_rawdev_buf ** buffers, unsigned int count, rte_rawdev_obj_t context)

Dequeue a stream of buffers from the device.

Rather than specifying a queue, this API passes along an opaque object to the driver implementation. That object can be a queue or any other contextual information necessary for the device to dequeue buffers.

Application should have allocated enough space to store count response buffers. Releasing buffers dequeued is responsibility of the application.


dev_id The identifier of the device to configure.
buffers Collection of buffers dequeued
count Max buffers expected to be dequeued
context Opaque context information.


>=0 for buffers dequeued !0 for failure. Whether partial enqueue is failure or success is defined between app and driver implementation.

int rte_rawdev_xstats_names_get (uint16_t dev_id, struct rte_rawdev_xstats_name * xstats_names, unsigned int size)

Retrieve names of extended statistics of a raw device.


dev_id The identifier of the raw device.
xstats_names Block of memory to insert names into. Must be at least size in capacity. If set to NULL, function returns required capacity.
size Capacity of xstats_names (number of names).


  • positive value lower or equal to size: success. The return value is the number of entries filled in the stats table.
  • positive value higher than size: error, the given statistics table is too small. The return value corresponds to the size that should be given to succeed. The entries in the table are not valid and shall not be used by the caller.
  • negative value on error: -ENODEV for invalid dev_id -ENOTSUP if the device doesn't support this function.

int rte_rawdev_xstats_get (uint16_t dev_id, const unsigned int ids[], uint64_t values[], unsigned int n)

Retrieve extended statistics of a raw device.


dev_id The identifier of the device.
ids The id numbers of the stats to get. The ids can be got from the stat position in the stat list from rte_rawdev_get_xstats_names(), or by using rte_rawdev_get_xstats_by_name()
values The values for each stats request by ID.
n The number of stats requested


  • positive value: number of stat entries filled into the values array
  • negative value on error: -ENODEV for invalid dev_id -ENOTSUP if the device doesn't support this function.

uint64_t rte_rawdev_xstats_by_name_get (uint16_t dev_id, const char * name, unsigned int * id)

Retrieve the value of a single stat by requesting it by name.


dev_id The identifier of the device
name The stat name to retrieve
id If non-NULL, the numerical id of the stat will be returned, so that further requests for the stat can be got using rte_rawdev_xstats_get, which will be faster as it doesn't need to scan a list of names for the stat. If the stat cannot be found, the id returned will be (unsigned)-1.


  • positive value or zero: the stat value
  • negative value: -EINVAL if stat not found, -ENOTSUP if not supported.

int rte_rawdev_xstats_reset (uint16_t dev_id, const uint32_t ids[], uint32_t nb_ids)

Reset the values of the xstats of the selected component in the device.


dev_id The identifier of the device
ids Selects specific statistics to be reset. When NULL, all statistics will be reset. If non-NULL, must point to array of at least nb_ids size.
nb_ids The number of ids available from the ids array. Ignored when ids is NULL.


  • zero: successfully reset the statistics to zero
  • negative value: -EINVAL invalid parameters, -ENOTSUP if not supported.

int rte_rawdev_firmware_status_get (uint16_t dev_id, rte_rawdev_obj_t status_info)

Get Firmware status of the device.. Returns a memory allocated by driver/implementation containing status information block. It is responsibility of caller to release the buffer.


dev_id Raw device identifier
status_info Pointer to status information area. Caller is responsible for releasing the memory associated.


0 for success, !0 for failure, status_info argument state is undefined

int rte_rawdev_firmware_version_get (uint16_t dev_id, rte_rawdev_obj_t version_info)

Get Firmware version of the device. Returns a memory allocated by driver/implementation containing version information block. It is responsibility of caller to release the buffer.


dev_id Raw device identifier
version_info Pointer to version information area. Caller is responsible for releasing the memory associated.


0 for success, !0 for failure, version_info argument state is undefined

int rte_rawdev_firmware_load (uint16_t dev_id, rte_rawdev_obj_t firmware_image)

Load firmware on the device. TODO: In future, methods like directly flashing from file too can be supported.


dev_id Raw device identifier
firmware_image Pointer to buffer containing image binary data


0 for successful load !0 for failure to load the provided image, or image incorrect.

int rte_rawdev_firmware_unload (uint16_t dev_id)

Unload firmware from the device.


dev_id Raw device identifiers


0 for successful Unload !0 for failure in unloading

int rte_rawdev_selftest (uint16_t dev_id)

Trigger the rawdev self test.


dev_id The identifier of the device


  • 0: Selftest successful
  • -ENOTSUP if the device doesn't support selftest
  • other values < 0 on failure.


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Fri Dec 15 2023 Version 23.11.0