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rte_stack.h(3) DPDK rte_stack.h(3)




#include <rte_debug.h>
#include <rte_errno.h>
#include <rte_memzone.h>
#include <rte_spinlock.h>
#include 'rte_stack_std.h'
#include 'rte_stack_lf.h'


#define RTE_STACK_F_LF 0x0001


static __rte_always_inline unsigned int rte_stack_push (struct rte_stack *s, void *const *obj_table, unsigned int n)
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int rte_stack_pop (struct rte_stack *s, void **obj_table, unsigned int n)
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int rte_stack_count (struct rte_stack *s)
static __rte_always_inline unsigned int rte_stack_free_count (struct rte_stack *s)
struct rte_stack * rte_stack_create (const char *name, unsigned int count, int socket_id, uint32_t flags)
void rte_stack_free (struct rte_stack *s)
struct rte_stack * rte_stack_lookup (const char *name)

Detailed Description

RTE Stack.

librte_stack provides an API for configuration and use of a bounded stack of pointers. Push and pop operations are MT-safe, allowing concurrent access, and the interface supports pushing and popping multiple pointers at a time.

Definition in file rte_stack.h.

Macro Definition Documentation



The maximum length of a stack name.

Definition at line 30 of file rte_stack.h.

#define RTE_STACK_F_LF 0x0001

The stack uses lock-free push and pop functions. This flag is only supported on x86_64 or arm64 platforms, currently.

Definition at line 91 of file rte_stack.h.

Function Documentation

static __rte_always_inline unsigned int rte_stack_push (struct rte_stack * s, void *const * obj_table, unsigned int n) [static]

Push several objects on the stack (MT-safe).


s A pointer to the stack structure.
obj_table A pointer to a table of void * pointers (objects).
n The number of objects to push on the stack from the obj_table.


Actual number of objects pushed (either 0 or n).

Definition at line 109 of file rte_stack.h.

static __rte_always_inline unsigned int rte_stack_pop (struct rte_stack * s, void ** obj_table, unsigned int n) [static]

Pop several objects from the stack (MT-safe).


s A pointer to the stack structure.
obj_table A pointer to a table of void * pointers (objects).
n The number of objects to pull from the stack.


Actual number of objects popped (either 0 or n).

Definition at line 133 of file rte_stack.h.

static __rte_always_inline unsigned int rte_stack_count (struct rte_stack * s) [static]

Return the number of used entries in a stack.


s A pointer to the stack structure.


The number of used entries in the stack.

Definition at line 153 of file rte_stack.h.

static __rte_always_inline unsigned int rte_stack_free_count (struct rte_stack * s) [static]

Return the number of free entries in a stack.


s A pointer to the stack structure.


The number of free entries in the stack.

Definition at line 172 of file rte_stack.h.

struct rte_stack* rte_stack_create (const char * name, unsigned int count, int socket_id, uint32_t flags)

Create a new stack named name in memory.

This function uses memzone_reserve() to allocate memory for a stack of size count. The behavior of the stack is controlled by the flags.


name The name of the stack.
count The size of the stack.
socket_id The socket_id argument is the socket identifier in case of NUMA. The value can be SOCKET_ID_ANY if there is no NUMA constraint for the reserved zone.
flags An OR of the following:
RTE_STACK_F_LF: If this flag is set, the stack uses lock-free variants of the push and pop functions. Otherwise, it achieves thread-safety using a lock.


On success, the pointer to the new allocated stack. NULL on error with rte_errno set appropriately. Possible errno values include:
  • ENOSPC - the maximum number of memzones has already been allocated
  • EEXIST - a stack with the same name already exists
  • ENOMEM - insufficient memory to create the stack
  • ENOTSUP - platform does not support given flags combination.

void rte_stack_free (struct rte_stack * s)

Free all memory used by the stack.


s Pointer to stack created with rte_stack_create(). If s is NULL, no operation is performed.

struct rte_stack* rte_stack_lookup (const char * name)

Lookup a stack by its name.


name The name of the stack.


The pointer to the stack matching the name, or NULL if not found, with rte_errno set appropriately. Possible rte_errno values include:
  • ENOENT - Stack with name name not found.
  • EINVAL - name pointer is NULL.


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Fri Dec 15 2023 Version 23.11.0