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rte_string_fns.h(3) DPDK rte_string_fns.h(3)




#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <rte_common.h>


int rte_strsplit (char *string, int stringlen, char **tokens, int maxtokens, char delim)
ssize_t rte_strscpy (char *dst, const char *src, size_t dsize)

Detailed Description

String-related functions as replacement for libc equivalents

Definition in file rte_string_fns.h.

Function Documentation

int rte_strsplit (char * string, int stringlen, char ** tokens, int maxtokens, char delim)

Takes string 'string' parameter and splits it at character 'delim' up to maxtokens-1 times - to give 'maxtokens' resulting tokens. Like strtok or strsep functions, this modifies its input string, by replacing instances of 'delim' with '\0'. All resultant tokens are returned in the 'tokens' array which must have enough entries to hold 'maxtokens'.


string The input string to be split into tokens
stringlen The max length of the input buffer
tokens The array to hold the pointers to the tokens in the string
maxtokens The number of elements in the tokens array. At most, maxtokens-1 splits of the string will be done.
delim The character on which the split of the data will be done


The number of tokens in the tokens array.

ssize_t rte_strscpy (char * dst, const char * src, size_t dsize)

Copy string src to buffer dst of size dsize. At most dsize-1 chars will be copied. Always NUL-terminates, unless (dsize == 0).


dst The destination string.
src The input string to be copied.
dsize Length in bytes of the destination buffer.


The number of bytes copied (terminating NUL-byte excluded) on success. -E2BIG if the destination buffer is too small. rte_errno is set.


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Fri Dec 15 2023 Version 23.11.0